This post will be updated as we go - check back often!
== 18 Jun ==
As newly elected governor of Minoc, I'd like to thank all that voted for me! I am greatly honored by your trust!
Before the elections, I promised I'd negotiate a trade deal that increases weapon speed. As of this morning, this deal has been activtated. Is this what is desired by the citizens or would you like something else?
Current trade deals on Europa:
5% SDI - Trinsic, Moonglow
S% SSI - Minoc, New Magincia
1FC - Yew
Since our town shares the same deal as New Magincia has, we could change ours to 2 Mana Regeneration or 5% Hit Chance Increase or talk with the local miners and get +3 strength, which would benefit crafters I suppose.
Our sovereign has not set a date for a meeting yet, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss what Minoc as a town should petition for. Do you have any ideas? Post them below!
Last, just to inform you, there are currently diplomatic negotiations going on between Minoc and the other cities of Trinsic, Moonglow, Skara Brae and New Magincia. As soon as there are results to report, I will update you.
== 18 Jun ==
As newly elected governor of Minoc, I'd like to thank all that voted for me! I am greatly honored by your trust!
Before the elections, I promised I'd negotiate a trade deal that increases weapon speed. As of this morning, this deal has been activtated. Is this what is desired by the citizens or would you like something else?
Current trade deals on Europa:
5% SDI - Trinsic, Moonglow
S% SSI - Minoc, New Magincia
1FC - Yew
Since our town shares the same deal as New Magincia has, we could change ours to 2 Mana Regeneration or 5% Hit Chance Increase or talk with the local miners and get +3 strength, which would benefit crafters I suppose.
Our sovereign has not set a date for a meeting yet, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss what Minoc as a town should petition for. Do you have any ideas? Post them below!
Last, just to inform you, there are currently diplomatic negotiations going on between Minoc and the other cities of Trinsic, Moonglow, Skara Brae and New Magincia. As soon as there are results to report, I will update you.