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The Call to Arms Results! Errr… sort of



The Mysterious Shadow Dwellers seem to have decided to give Fel a try for his/her/their/it/who cares evil doings. Those evil doings had to do with one kidnapped Daniel Ravens and apparently he needed rescuing.

I was glad the Call to Arms had the phrase ‘Sonoma citizens’ along with the usual call for the members of the Royal Britannia Guard. Because well… I’m not exactly Guard material. But if you want something stolen or someone assassinated, I’m your man! Err.. lady.

Now that you know I’m one of the bad guys, let’s get this tale of misery started.

Before Amonos Sgt at Arms greeted us EM Eira joined us to give us a few survival tips. You know the usual, this is Fel, expect to die, leave anything you don’t want to lose in the bank, and that we were going to have to cooperate with each other….

I looked around the room. Faction kill in the center, res kill to the north, cries of potential griefing to the left and a guard whack to the south.

That couldn’t be right, so I check my journal. And there it was in green and white.

Amonos Sgt at Arms joined us and explained what was going on. Too bad I didn’t hear a word he said. I was keeping an eye on the flow of the pvp. I was rather intimidated by the number of blues and dragons in the room and couldn’t help wonder how many bolas were brought. I did catch however that once you go into a gate, you wouldn’t be able to return.

A gate was cast and off we went. The reds expected the blues to jump them the moment we hit the gate, so we headed north. The spawn looked ugly. And I definitely noticed a red vs. blue theme going on. *evil grins*

The blues picked off the spawn as the reds picked off the blues. Plenty of blue healers, but not one red. Dying was not an option.

The reds had another problem. The goal was kill the blues then kill the rest of the spawn. Well… when the reds finally managed to kill all the blues, the blues already had the spawn killed off - except for two guardians! So insurance gold or items? The reds chose to go after the gold. The blues chose to go after items.

Oh wait, there was a story involved here as well as gold and items. One Daniel Ravens to be exact. The reds actually rescued him. The bad guys save the day! Well ummm saving Daniel was sort of the by-product of killing the last two guardians. But hey! It worked!

OK, back to the story. What I got of it that is…

When Daniel appeared he was confused and frightened. Very frightened. He had the look ‘of a broken man’. Amonos Sgt at Arms assured him that ‘they’ were gone. Once Daniel was reassured, Amonos Sgt at Arms told us that Daniel would need time to heal and in the mean time we must be diligent watching for any sign of the demon ‘It’ that Daniel warned us about. He went on to tell Daniel that he knew our Scouts and him will be on patrol at all times.

Amonos Sgt at Arms decided to take Daniel to the healer and let it be known he would be at the Counselor Hall in Jhelom Fel.

EM Eira, thank you for doing an event in Fel. After tonight’s performance by this shards players (and two of my guildies grrrr..), I doubt you will ever want to step foot there again. I hope you do.

Dame Judi

Well done perspective; interesting and articulate. Thank you.