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The Battle With D'Kittledge Greystone

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Posted with permission from the author Shadow Riter

Amonos had called the guard to the Meeting Hall. I used my best sleuthing skills and snuck into the back. He stood on the platform and spoke so all could hear.

“Attention !” He projected his voice and continued when everyone was still. “Daniel and his scouts have informed the guard that there are inexplicable arcane sightings in Ter Mur. They believe that they may have found someone’s hide out. Alchemy items were also found at the site so we are hoping that we have found Algenon. Although the sleuths did not report any dangerous beings, it is possible that after they disturbed the camp, guards and or reinforcements have been posted. It is always wise for the Royal Guard to be prepared.”

The guard members all jumped to their feet.

“All Fall in and follow me.” Amonos demanded. And they formed nice rows and entered the gate to their fate.

“In ranks Soldiers! Follow me” Onward we walked to the place we had found the little hut.

Before we got the hut we noticed a large boulder. Bodies had been placed strategically around it and standing on the top was a large Gargoyle . He was waving his arms around and mumbling some obscure garish tongue. He looked out and must have seen the rows of the guard. He started to shout orders.

“Humans are coming quickly hide the books! Get rid of anything that might cause them to thwart our progress!”

I had heard the words but I fear Amonos was too busy with the guard. He approached the gargoyle and spoke pleasantly.

“Hail Sir. I am Amonos and these are the Royal Guard.We are looking for an elderly man who may be in trouble.

He has a long beard that is usually singed and is very white. He wears tan colored robes and he smells of herbs and smoke”.

“I am D' Kittledge Greystone” He was glaring at us. “Humans are not welcome here and Gargoyles who associate with humans are even lower. I would offer my services to any gargoyle among you who wishes to be cleansed of your evil human side. We have a very good success rate. Five percent of the gargoyles have survived.”

The gargoyles among us looked with disdain. None jumped at the offer.

Amonos frowned “five percent is not a good track record what manner of exploit is this. It seems more like an execution than a deed of goodness.”

D' Kittledge Greystone retorted. “ Death is better than possessing a human heart. I am not going to stay here and listen to this. Guards!

I could not stand back and watch. Even though Daniel says it is better to walk away and live to spy another day, I drew may kryss. Daniel would understand, after all I had seen him do the same when necessary.

Large Gargoyles ascended from the sky in groups of six, eight maybe more. I was too engaged now to count. AS I battled I heard mages curse as their spells and abilities were suppressed. I looked about to see Lady Agrias Oaks and Shadow spasm uncontrollably.

The earth shook and explosions were knocking people from their mounts.

Revolution Supporter called curses and threatened that “You will burn to a pile of ash! But we will survive as we are Stone!”

Delia decreed “Tis a bloodbath!”

It was true. Many guards had been bandaged and splinted but even injured they picked up their weapons for their cause.

Finally we seemed to gain momentum and get past their magical defenses. They started to crumble back to sand. The last one cracked and we all let out a big whooping cheer.

Amonos called us all around and sighed. “You have done well in this battle. Tonight the victory is ours, but the war is not over. We do not know why these gargoyles behaved as they did. They Gargoyles are supposed to be our allies now.

Have any of you ever seen that Gargoyle before?

I have never seen him. We must find out more about him. Perhaps Daniels eyes and ears have had word about him. Search the area. It looks as though they were performing some type of ritual here. Look at those bodies!

They are all turning to solid rock like their essence has been taken right out of them. What do you make of this?”

Ansatsu thought it might have been a side effect of the potions. And Meanie Monster commented about pages from a Gargoyle potion book.

As the words left her mouth, Amonos glanced at the last body. He thought it looked like it still breathed so we all crept closer. Perhaps we could save it. Then someone seemed to set of a siren. More revolutionary gargoyles beset us. It took us some effort but we finally defended. As the guard went down a black flare left the body.

I saw his life force ascend to the sky. But before it did he screamed save us all! We needed to find out more about the ritual. I made a note to ask Daniel.

Amonos was speaking “…Ritual. We need to find out more.Also, Once more we have not found Algenon. Daniel seems to think he is an old man who needs our help but let us not forget that Queen Dawn had put a warrant on his capture as well. He must be found. Tonight get some rest. Heal your wounds. Then for those who” Amonos coughed “know Daniel, gather information. Did anyone see That gargoyle? Is He still about? Did he escape? Or was he one of the ones we erm got rid of?”

Dalia pointed out that he was gone either way.

Moxxi was sure he had run off. Left before the battle began. She had been very alert and was watching carefully.

“Keep a watch now and report anything back to me, or* reluctantly* Daniel if you must. Find out what you can from Daniel.”

“Good work Guards and Citizens You are dismissed for this evening.”

~Shadow Riter