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The "all about rubble" topic


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oooookay, these are my questions. Yes, those 2 topics on stratics don´t enlighten me enough! I still feel like walking in the dark :/

1) Does rubble say "rubble" before it´s picked up?
2) Does the fire the demons cause create rubble too? Or only the explotion at the start of the spawn wave?
a) if it´s the spawn explotion, will rubble be only at that area?
3) Is rubble visually different from the non takeable static items? Like the rubble fern looks a bit different than the static one?

Sorry for asking again and again, but I´m still clueless

Thanks for your help!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im not sure but it sounds like according to the fof article that there is random cannon fire that can destroy sumin

then light demons can also destroy objects making it rubble


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for your help, but that´s the thing!
No light demons here, no cannons (at least on euro) but somehow somebody managed to pick something up.
I don´t know what info I´m missing, but my finger already hurts from picking up really everything around me..lol


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i just killed a lioght demon and after it died i used crtl shift and found 2 but was only to get 1


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice! And it was named "rubble" when you held ctrl+shift?

It´s weird, within the last.. hmm say 3 hours, I haven´t seen a single light demon!
demon berserkers.. ye a lot.. dark father too! But no light demon *scratches head*

*Edit: Okay, light demons are on europa too now, but still no rubble in sight. I even got a scythe of a berserker!


From what I've been reading it seems it takes a second for it to be named 'rubble'. So hit ctrl +shift a few times and see if it loads up the name that way.


Im guessing everyone will be after the rubble!"! as well as the new 3 x arti12 items of course= so u will have to be quick !"!.. after all who wants anymore of the silly cursed items or the power and vanq crapo weapons too...


Alls we've had on Catskills in the last day is Dark Fathers and Berzerkers.


Draconi has posted re:rubble in the Uhall thread titled "Rubble...?"


so we need to wait for gargoyles perhaps in order to win the war? or maybe we should just let them over run magincia since its quite the useless city.