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The Aeria vs MAYN conflict (Twelve Sky2)



The Aeria vs MAYN conflict (Twelve Sky2)

As an avid MMO player and a long term fan of the Twelve Sky series developed by Gigassoft (recently renamed Alt1), I have stumbled across some interesting conflicts stirring up between the two companies of the soon to be released Twelve Sky2. MAYN had announced their Closed Beta of Twelve Sky2 quite a while back, and it recently started up it's CB on the 23rd of February. As great as that sounds though, they are a very new company and seem to be very unexperienced with a true F2P MMO community. Their proffessionalism slipped up recently out in the public, which consequently put their foot in their own mouths. Before I get too much into what was done, I will explain what started it up. Aeria Games & Entertainment recently announced they are releasing Twelve Sky 2 as well. Well this apparently didn't excite the newly created MAYN, and they quickly put up an announcement on their forums stating that the experienced Aeria Games &Entertainment was "slanderous and under-handed", that there is no way possible that A.G.E. is releasing Twelve Sky 2 and that A.G.E. as a company is lying about releasing Twelve Sky 2. Then MAYN continued to argue with users on their own forums, trying to persuade users that MAYN is the only company releasing Twelve Sky 2 here on the western side of the world. A.G.E. currently hosts and runs Twelve Sky, the original version before Twelve Sky 2, and has openly discussed the great confidence in their ability to offer character transfers from their existing Twelve Sky to Twelve Sky 2, MAYN called that a lie as well, and that it was not possible. Now as my knowledge serves me correctly, I do believe the Korean hosts of Twelve Sky offered a similar option for their players to move to Twelve Sky 2 with their existing characters from the original version, MAYN seems to not be aware of the fact that is very possible and very likely to happen.

Aeria Games & Entertainment showed their "maturity" in the situation, when their users brought up these accusations that MAYN made openly about their company. So where as MAYN openly insulted another company and made several accusations to their credibility, A.G.E. representative "Superman0x" said, "no comment". I find that truly self satisfactory, when i'm thinking of who to trust my money with, a company (MAYN) that seems to be quick to assume things with lack of knowledge or backing, versus, a company (A.G.E.) who kept their "cool" and acted quite professional in the matter.

Upon further investigation, I see that Aeria Games & Entertainment has already opened up a Twelve Sky 2 section on their forums, and have also started taking Closed Beta sign ups.

12sky2 Aeria forums: http://forums.aeriagames.com/index.php?f=489
12sky2 Aeria CB sign up: http://12-sky.aeriagames.com/

To me it seems like one company (MAYN) is fearful of the more experienced and known company (A.G.E.). MAYN is already showing signs of fear with it's accusations publically. I also find hypocrisy to be quite disgusting personally, for a company to call one company slanderous and under-handed for merely announcing the soon arrival of a game.... seems... well SLANDEROUS AND UNDER-HANDED.

As I think MAYN's version of Twelve Sky will be mildly successful, I have a strong suspision that they have only began to show their true colors. From unproffessionalism, unexeperience, and just an all around poor quality of manner to be representing to it's users, MAYN's version of Twelve Sky 2 reminds me of the Japanese version of Twelve Sky, it will be short lived and gone in a quick burst, leaving the other versions there for users to turn to once left dry and empty handed. I've personally began playing MAYN's Twelve Sky 2 version, and they are already having MANY issues, with both staff productivity and appealing to it's users. MAYN claims to be the EU version of Twelve Sky 2, yet their servers are hosted in the USA, giving their EU players latency issues already, and that is already not setting right with the many EU players that joined in hopes of enjoying a small ping time.

It will be an interesting battle, time will tell who will win this game war. I will keep this updated with new information as it comes to me.