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The 1st illust contest by EA Japan UO team!


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EA Japan UO team announces the 1st illust contest!

The original page in Japanese: Here!

I translated how it goes in this contest, Enjoy and win prizes!


1st Illust contest

Period for application:
From Jun. 5. 2009 to Jun. 29. 2009 15:00 JST
This deadline is extended: the new deadline is: Jul. 13, 2009. 15:00 JST

- The Gargoyles: the new race of the next expansion "Stygian Abyss"
- "The summer" of "Ultima Online"
- Illustrations or arts of items, terrains or add-ons that you would like to see implemented in game

Conditions of applications:
- A screenshot of what players create in the game (an unworked picture like a radar map art or a backpack art that makes use of items in game )
- An illust painted with image painting softwares

*1: You may use either of KR client or 2D client.
*2: The form of pictures should be .JPG file, at most 2MB, width 1200 x height 900 pixel
*3: There is no limits of number of pictuires that a player can apply. (A player can send in as many applications as you like without limits.)

Prizes for winners:
The 1st winner:
- An exclusive title for the 1st winner (for 1 character )
- An exclusive item in the game for the 1st winner,
- A miniature house
- 5 Pigments of Tokuno

The 2nd winner:
- An exclusive title for the 2nd winner (for 1 character )
- An exclusive item in the game for the 2nd winner,
- A miniature house
- 1 Pigment of Tokuno

Announcement of winners:
An announcement will be made by the end of July, after EA Japan UO team examines all the applications fairly.

Conditions and Notes:
- You should make all the pictures by yourself.
- All the things except your account name, your e-mail address or filenames of your pictures will be opened to public when we make an announcement of prizes
- You should not violate the agreement of UO.
- All the rights and licences of applications regarding UO belong to Electronic Arts.
- Applications shoud not include desigins that violate licences, trademarks or copyrights(e.g. portraits of celebrities, images of name brands, or images including similar parts of other known characters than in UO )
- EA Japan UO team might create items in game based on applications, or make use of applications as materials of websites related to UO.

How to send in your applications;
Please go to the form of the 1st illust contest! -> Here!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Oh no here it comes!!! I can see it now!

Why does Japan get to do this and we don't? Yada yada yada hehhe.

We did get to design our banks to be fair. So can a North American Player enter into this?


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We did get to design our banks to be fair. So can a North American Player enter into this?
I don't think it will be accepted.

Here stands:
Conditions of applications:
- A screenshot of what players create in the game (an unworked picture like a radar map art or a backpack art that makes use of items in game )
Players designed banks, but actually they were made by Draconi in game.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Eh true. If I was them and I won I would request a Multicolor Dragon that black with the blue sparkles.

Ponda Baba

" So can a North American Player enter into this?"

(sorry don't know how to do quotes etc.)

You spark the debate that people will gripe about it being a Japan only thing......then ask if North America will be allowed

...please don't take this the wrong way, but isn't that just a tad hypocritical ?

What about the other people the world who may play this game ?

Again, apologies if I've read your post wrong, but it sounds to me like you think that if Japan gets it America (North America in particular) should.....but maybe no one else ?

Third Apology - it's late & I'm grumpy

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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No was just saying its fair for them to do something like this since we did the bank design thing.

I was asking if North American players can participate just was asking was all.
I was reading the entrance thing wrong. My eyes play tricks on me :)

No apology needed.

(I was being a smart butt saying that the complaints would come in like that over time about then doing this and us not was all.)


Grand Poobah
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Are people forgetting that before the Bank Design thingy, the Japanese shards were getting facelifts all the time...???

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Maybe ill play a Japan shard heh.


Babbling Loonie
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And how is this the first? What about the one waaaaay back around publish 16 that gave us the gilded dress and such?


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No was just saying its fair for them to do something like this since we did the bank design thing.

I was asking if North American players can participate just was asking was all.
I was reading the entrance thing wrong. My eyes play tricks on me :)

No apology needed.

(I was being a smart butt saying that the complaints would come in like that over time about then doing this and us not was all.)
Sorry, I misread your post. I understood that you asked if you could enter in SSs of WBB that you designed. I said no for this question.

I can't find any restriction that limits applications only from Japan, so I introduce this to you all.


Seasoned Veteran
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And how is this the first? What about the one waaaaay back around publish 16 that gave us the gilded dress and such?
I heard that they held a contest of "items" that we would like to see implemented in the game at that time. We expressed those in-game items with pictures or illusts.

But this is a contest of "illust" that we create, and materials of illusts might be in-game items we'd like to see in game.


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The 1st illust contest took very well and more applications than we expected are entered in until now. So we will extend the deadline of entering applications according to the request of some players that they need more time to complete their applications. The new and final deadline is July 13, 2009. 15:00 JST.


Seasoned Veteran
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This sounds like an interesting competition..thanks for sharing with us, Athos! ^^

*blushes* I am still not quite sure I understand what to do though...could someone post or direct me to a simple example of what we are to create? My poor mind just isn't getting it today.


Seasoned Veteran
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This sounds like an interesting competition..thanks for sharing with us, Athos! ^^

*blushes* I am still not quite sure I understand what to do though...could someone post or direct me to a simple example of what we are to create? My poor mind just isn't getting it today.
Oh, sorry. I should have more concretly described and shown you some concrete examples.

So, the following one could be an example for it:
"a Llama on a roof"

This is an example for description:
"Conditions of applications:
- A screenshot of what players create in the game (an unworked picture like a radar map art or a backpack art that makes use of items in game )"

This SS conforms to a criterion above.

But one more criterion exists: Thema should be "Gargoyle" or "The summer in UO". This SS doesn't conform to this criterion. If you created a figure of a Gargoyle on your roof and made an SS of it, the SS would conform to all the criteria.

This is one example. If I could have more time, I would introduce some more.


Grand Poobah
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Maybe now is a good time to pimp my UO Radar Image Picture Creator™. It's faboo (and currently works, I just tested)!


Sample image:

Keep in mind that small images work best (as in 50x50 px) and they should also conform to the same dimensions as your house. Some tweaking may be required in order to get optimal results. Don't use UORIPC™ with products that contain ammonia or lye. If UORIPC™ gets in your clothing or hair, beat with a wire whisk, then burn the clothing and scrub the affected areas thoroughly with soap and warm water. Discontinue use if any nausea or headaches are experienced.



Seasoned Veteran
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Wow! How wonderful!

It's a really wonderful tool.

I think using this tool is accepted, but if in that case, the original picture should be drawn by players.


Now, another example from me.

This is only an example, including a little joke.

"A summer in a backpack"

This is an example for description:
"Conditions of applications:
- A screenshot of what players create in the game (an unworked picture like a radar map art or a backpack art that makes use of items in game )"

This SS conforms to the criterion above. And the design shown in the SS means "Summer" in a chinese letter. The theme of the SS conforms to one of themes of this contest:"Gargoyles", "The summer in UO".


Seasoned Veteran
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Thank you so much Athos and Sarsmi! Very helpful examples! :)

I understand now, yay!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice artwork everyone! :)

Maybe now is a good time to pimp my UO Radar Image Picture Creator™.
Cool utility Sarsmi. :)

UO Radar Image Picture Creator™ has been added to the Tools|Graphics menu of the UO Toolbar.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is only an example, including a little joke.

"A summer in a backpack"

Hahaha, that's clever! The Kanji "Summer" in a backpack ^_^

This is an example for description:
"Conditions of applications:
- A screenshot of what players create in the game (an unworked picture like a radar map art or a backpack art that makes use of items in game )"

This SS conforms to the criterion above. And the design shown in the SS means "Summer" in a chinese letter. The theme of the SS conforms to one of themes of this contest:"Gargoyles", "The summer in UO".
Athos, if you don't mind, can you see if my understanding is correct regarding the criteria?

A - The theme needs to be based on any one of the following:
1) The new Gargoyle race for Stygian Abyss
2) Summer in UO
3) Things you want to see implemented in UO (items, terrain, decorative furniture add-ons etc)

B - The illustration that you submit can be any one of the following:
1) An unedited screenshot made in-game. Including, but not limited to, radar art or backpack art etc etc.
2) An illustration drawn/rendered using any graphics design/editing program (eg photoshop, maya etc etc)

C - Other requirements:
1) Must be in jpg format
2) Max resolution is 1200 x 900
3) Max file size 2mb
4) No limit to how many illustrations you submit
5) Can be done in either the Legacy client or in KR (in case the people doing screenshots are wondering)

Winning entry may also be implemented in-game or be added to the official webpage (latter applies to the Japan UO page).


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Athos, if you don't mind, can you see if my understanding is correct regarding the criteria?
Of course, I don't mind at all. Or rather I'm very glad to see you post this. Since I can't describe what I'd like to in English as well as I desire, your post is great help to let people here all understand what I mean correctly. Thanks!
A - The theme needs to be based on any one of the following:
1) The new Gargoyle race for Stygian Abyss
2) Summer in UO
3) Things you want to see implemented in UO (items, terrain, decorative furniture add-ons etc)

B - The illustration that you submit can be any one of the following:
1) An unedited screenshot made in-game. Including by not limited to radar art or backpack art etc etc.
2) An illustration drawn/rendered using any graphics design/editing program (eg photoshop, maya etc etc)

C - Other requirements:
1) Be in jpg format
2) Max resolution is 1200 x 900
3) Max file size 2mb
4) No limit to how many illustrations you submit

Winning entry may also be implemented in-game or be added to the official webpage (latter applies to the Japan UO page).
These are all exactly correct.

And I'd like to ask a favor of you, to allow me to quote your post on Asian Shards Forum, TheLostLands and UO Forums? I posted the same thing there, and your post will also help people there to understand what I mean correctly. Thanks in advance!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Of course, I don't mind at all. Or rather I'm very glad to see you post this. Since I can't describe what I'd like to in English as well as I desire, your post is great help to let people here all understand what I mean correctly. Thanks!

These are all exactly correct.

And I'd like to ask a favor of you, to allow me to quote your post on Asian Shards Forum, TheLostLands and UO Forums? I posted the same thing there, and your post will also help people there to understand what I mean correctly. Thanks in advance!
Great to know I got it right :D

And, yes, feel free to post it in other forums ^_^

P/S - I corrected a mistake in B1 and added C5 in the original post above.


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EA Japan UO team asks you to enter in your support messages to candidate entries of the 1st illust contest:Cf. the original page in Japanese


We got more than one hundreds entries! Thanks for your entries!

We'd like to collect support messages from you to candidates for winners, which leads you to join with us in examining entries, since so many entries were entered in!

EA Japan UO team will determine winners finally, considering support messages from you!

Please send your support message to your favorite one under 30 canditates!

We accept your support messages until 22nd July, 15:00 JST.

a form to enter in your support message


Seasoned Veteran
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Some very talented folks entering that contest, Athos! Judging will be difficult, but I believe the gargoyle riding a llama is my personal favorite :)

Some of entries are:

Theme 1: Summer in UO:

click here to see this one in original size!

Theme 2: Items you'd like to see implemented in UO:

(This means "pets' collar" and "pets' collar dye tub")

(Sudare is a blind-like japanese curtain made from bamboo or straw, which is used often in summer)

(A wedding dress!)

Theme 3: Gargoyles:

click here to see this one in original size!

click here to see this one in original size!

click here to see this one in original size!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like Summer in UO #9 (UOの夏9)


Characterizes Tokuno very well!

Athos, you mentioned that there were over a hundred entries, are the other entries shown anywhere?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At once I find myself both wishing I could have entered and wishing that I could draw as well as some of those.. would love to do some sort of grand UO illustration series...


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This one is very impressive for me:

Icons in the middle descibe "fireworks".

The one of left-bottom describes " An ajisai flower", which is very popular in early summer in Japan.

Explanatin in Wilipedia in English and in Japanese

The one of right-bottom descrbes "A Castle in amusement park", supposedly in Disneyland.


um. thats called a hydrangia here in the us. *clicks link*
Doh! sry