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[Fishing] Thanks Basara



Just wanted to say Thank You Basara ! for all of your user friendly great information shared throughout the turbulent HS Fishing evolution on this board. Also for seemingly politely following through best channels to bring some of the glaring bugs to proper attention for remedy.

Thanks to Popps too for keeping the point count of crustaceans issue in the forefront... I believe you oftentimes speak for many others who are not as tactful with the finger tips as Basara :eyes:

I'm just really happy the crabs & lobsters are fixed...

*See how grateful we become when it starts bad then gets to good/intended :wall: was that by design?..... jk...........rhetorical.............*


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Just wanted to say Thank You Basara ! for all of your user friendly great information shared throughout the turbulent HS Fishing evolution on this board. Also for seemingly politely following through best channels to bring some of the glaring bugs to proper attention for remedy.

Thanks to Popps too for keeping the point count of crustaceans issue in the forefront... I believe you oftentimes speak for many others who are not as tactful with the finger tips as Basara :eyes:

I'm just really happy the crabs & lobsters are fixed...

*See how grateful we become when it starts bad then gets to good/intended :wall: was that by design?..... jk...........rhetorical.............*


I personally find it a bit odd that they acted like they changed the crustacean values because we demanded it, despite that every communication we had with Mark and a couple others stated that they thought the values were always supposed to be the way they are now.


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Just wanted to say Thank You Basara ! for all of your user friendly great information shared throughout the turbulent HS Fishing evolution on this board. Also for seemingly politely following through best channels to bring some of the glaring bugs to proper attention for remedy.

Thanks to Popps too for keeping the point count of crustaceans issue in the forefront... I believe you oftentimes speak for many others who are not as tactful with the finger tips as Basara :eyes:

I'm just really happy the crabs & lobsters are fixed...

*See how grateful we become when it starts bad then gets to good/intended :wall: was that by design?..... jk...........rhetorical.............*

Well, TY likewise......

It is good to see something in the game fixed especially, when it was cause of so much frustration to fishermen to the point that many stopped taking the quests because of that issue.

That also shows how important it is, at times, for players to keep hammering a given problem untill the Developers finally see it and decide to do something about it.

Trash Collector

Thanks to everyone as I've been getting the pull to actually completing quests now! I've been keeping a lot of fish from dungeon, shore, and deep water fishing and occasional lobster hunts as well.

I recall there was a post at one point with a suggested route for doing the quests, but I can't find it. Anyone know of the route I mean?

I'm also thankful for another Pacific fisher who gave me quite a few good items (including a 110) to help get my butt in gear!!


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Ok, here is the suggested route I posted in the past, explained in more detail.

Start Point: Floating Emporium Docks

Step 1: Get quest at FE, then recall to Moonglow Fishmonger, get Moonglow quest. Recall back to boat.

Step 2: Sail SW to south end of Haven/Ocllo, then sail West from there. In Trammel, a course that takes you over the sunken remains of what had been the south island will put you on a line to the Serpent Pillar. In Fel, going around Ocllo will probably result in your having to turn back a little north to get to the Pillar.

Step 3: Stop at Serpent Pillar, but don't use it yet. Recall to Vesper Fishmonger, get quest. Recall back to boat. NOW, use the Serpent Pillar to get to the Lost Lands, recall to Papua, get the quest there, recall to the boat, sail to the pillar and use the pillar to get back to the surface world.

Step 4: Your arrival point on the surface will be in a random direction and distance from the Pillar. From your arrival point, you will be sailing West or NW to get to the seas between Buc's Den and Trinsic, on the Trinsic/Skara/Jhelom server. Once at a point where you can sail north without running into Buc's Pen, stop and recall to Trinsic, Jhelom, and Skara Brae to get their quests. Return to the boat.

Step 5: Sail north across the server line that runs through north Buc's Den, to get on the Britain server, and stop. Recall to Britain, and get quest. You now have all 8 quests.

***** Break point *****

Step 6: Check your quests. Fill them from your stores, or by fishing where you're at (server lines and shores are nearby for shallow fish, and of course dungeon fish doesn't require your ship)

Step 7: Deliver any quests to Britain. Now, sail JUST far enough south to get onto the Trinsic/Jhelom/Skara server.

Step 8: Deliver any quest to these cities, and get any quests back. If you get quests back to Britain that you an easily fill, or you delivered the one from Britain, duck back north across the line and take care of business there, then cross. Repeat steps 7 & 8 until you no longer have quests, (or easily fillable new quests) for the 4 cities.

Step 9: Sail back to the Serpent Pillar. Odds are, you've delivered the quests from Vesper & Papua and/or have filled ones to deliver there (including any new ones after the deliveries to the 4 cities to the west). If needed recall to Vesper and back to pick up/deliver, then hop back into the lost lands (again, if needed) to deliver/pick up, leave the lost lands.
OPTIONS: As with steps 7/8, if you get easily fillable quests to one of these two cities, from the other, keep repeating this step until you are done with them. Optionally, if your exit of the LL puts you close to the west server line, you might slip back over it to deliver/pick up new quests in Trinsic, Skara or Jhelom, but you'll only end up in that situation about a quarter of the time. You definitely don't want to backtrack to Britain at this point.

Step 10: At this point, you should only have quests left to the FE & Moonglow that are filled (and, fill any new ones that go there from the other 6 cities), plus a few (probably 2-4) quests to the other 6 cities that you've not filled yet, because you didn't have the fish on hand (or were too much backtracking from the Serpent Pillar to fill & deliver). Sail back to the FE docks, deliver there, then recall to deliver to Moonglow, if needed. Fill any new quests to either city until all your quests remaining are to cities off the server. Now, pull back from the docks and park outside the chains.

***** Break *****

Step 11: Now, fish to replenish your stocks, then start back with step 2 (as Step 10 replicates step 1), with the benefit that you might not have to stop at Papua and/or Vesper if the quests you got on your last return journey were to points west, and your quests aboard aren't to those cities. You'll also probably have some deliveries mixed in with your quests at this point, and from then on, unless you choose to refuse new quests in order to get down to zero quests (such as when you need to dry-dock your boat).