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Thank you one and all

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am simply speechless tonight,

This is not small trick to achieve and I would imagine is the dream of many.

Tonight I docked my ship, the Celtic Tide at the docks in Magincia and took a walk around the area, stopping to talk to Penelope at her new place on the island. When I returned to my ship it had vanished from the docks. I pulled out my rune, and it showed the ship to be in Trammel, but when I tried to recall to it I got the message, ship cold not be found. Attempting to place my smaller vessel produced the message, you already have a ship deployed.

I sent in a help request, twice, and was told, twice that they could not replace missing items. This while I am trying to explain to them that my ship is out there someplace, I just need their help finding it.

After speaking to Zuckuss at the docks for a bit, I logged out dejected, and filed a bug report with UO. After, I logged back in hoping that the bug would reset itself, and I could recall to my ship and bring her home. No such luck there, and I thought perhaps I would never see my ship again.

Then to my surprise I got word from friends that they were out searching the server lines. Seems Azreal had the same thing happen to him, and his ship shot out to a server line. I joined Rizzen on his ship to help with the search. While we were skirting the coast I got a message from Sage that my ship had been found. I recalled to the Brit Bank and was gated to a small ship and there stood the Tide safe and sound. Seems the pilot has slipped into the tavern, had a snoot full and decided to take the ship for a ride only to end passed out on the deck. I boarded the ship, and thanking my friends, sailed the Celtic Tide back to Skara and safety.

Okay, so I was not that speechless.

Thank you for your help my friends. Your generosity of time and caring touches me greatly.

Aedon Durreah- Captain- The Celtic Tide

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am glad we found your ship Aedon, it was Azrael's experiencing the same issue earlier this week that let us know where to look.

I honestly think a warning sign or something should be placed on the docks in New Magincia telling folks that there is a no loitering zone there for ships and that they will be moved out to deeper water after a short amount of time.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was very surprising indeed. I had the same situation as Aedon but unfortunately it is breaking the runes to the ship. I parked my Britannia ship outside of the new Shadow Moore and later in the day saw it was gone. When I couldn't recall to it I started sailing around the island looking. I ended up paging a GM who helped me because I hadn't looked far enough south.

However, it still broke the runes. I moved it away from the server line and the runes still wouldn't work. I dry docked it and put it back in the water, the runes still wouldn't work. I ended up having to remark. So when these ships are being transported away and end up on the server line it is really breaking them.

Seti Azrael

I was glad to help, Aedon. I agree a sign should be placed warning of this. Though it seems to be happening in other random locations as well. *nods to Podo*

I've had it happen to a Tokuno ship, though the rune didn't break. Recalling to the ship is what clued me in on it not having been moved far from where I originally parked it.

I turned in a bug report at the time, re-deeded the ship and replaced it again with new runes on several characters. Hopefully the Dev's can figure out what specifically is causing the runes to break for the large Brit ships. A smaller ship isn’t much of a loss, a few hundred thousand gold is replaceable, but those of you with the larger Brit ships would definitely be losing a great deal more than that if you were not able to find and recover your ships.

Maybe the Mods of the Cats board here would let us make a sticky post for a bit, wherein we could collectively list places to avoid parking a ship for now, until the problem is more clearly identified?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe the Mods of the Cats board here would let us make a sticky post for a bit, wherein we could collectively list places to avoid parking a ship for now, until the problem is more clearly identified?
I just warned the crew (UP boards) about Magincia in general.

I suspect the ship-moving code from the blackrock golem event was never taken out. I'd fill in a bug report, but I haven't seen the teleportation thing myself (and I'm a bit obsessive about dry docking my own ship after Pandora lost hers to what I consider is a bug).

lil debi

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Seems the pilot has slipped into the tavern, had a snoot full and decided to take the ship for a ride only to end passed out on the deck. "

This is too funny ! Thank you for the laugh.

Glad your boat was found :party: