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Thank you for the Event.



Wanted to say the EM's did a good job. The event was fun and me and the wife enjoyed the story. The only downside to the event was that there seems to be a large number of children playing. I don't mean teenagers or anything I mean children. I believe they are children because there is no way an adult or even a young adult could act so asinine durring an event like this. The whole ME, ME, ME, ME crap, the nonsense spam such as "Want to buy Hot UO Boyfriend" and things similar to this, people doing anything they can to get back inside the EM house to try and get extra cloaks, and so on.

In any case, really enjoyed the Event on Catskills. The EM's did a great job. Maybe one day the community I play with will be as good as the EM's and Events. I don't mean all on Catskills, but those bad apples I saw today were fairly numerous :( .

Uthar Pendragon

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They should give the em's powers to mark,ban & suspend accounts at events like this. It is a sad thing to have to watch the people who just want to see how offensive and rude they can be.


*salutes* Great job EMs on Drachenfels too!

And well, sadly the whole "me me me" thing seems to be how most new gamers are nowadays. "How can I get (insert anything here) in no time, without having to do anything for it?"
Or upon receiving the cloak, start spamming "Selling Cloak of Silence 50m"...

But I'm glad not all are like that. :) It's just another "playstyle" which others may like, but isn't for me - that's why I choose not to be around such people when I don't have to. :D UO is awesome like that, after all! We can choose what to do and what not!

(Although I am wondering how I can put people on my ignore list and still see them talk... *scratches head*)


... and GL's EM, did a fantastic job given the sheer amount of 'bad apples' that were there. Nicely done.

Marcus Blackwell

Wanted to say the EM's did a good job. The event was fun and me and the wife enjoyed the story. The only downside to the event was that there seems to be a large number of children playing. I don't mean teenagers or anything I mean children. I believe they are children because there is no way an adult or even a young adult could act so asinine durring an event like this. The whole ME, ME, ME, ME crap, the nonsense spam such as "Want to buy Hot UO Boyfriend" and things similar to this, people doing anything they can to get back inside the EM house to try and get extra cloaks, and so on.

In any case, really enjoyed the Event on Catskills. The EM's did a great job. Maybe one day the community I play with will be as good as the EM's and Events. I don't mean all on Catskills, but those bad apples I saw today were fairly numerous :( .

Aye great event. Sadly I think due to my connection was unable to take part in much but really overall great event.. and I agree with Robert something needs to be done about the spammers especally those spamming offensive stuff.. I could hardly see even in my journel what the dragon and dawn where saying at Luna bank.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah it was a good event. minus the lag.........
i do find it od how many kids play such an old game too.
we have to have 5 people come to deal with my crowd.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The EMs on GL (Malachi & Iatu) are awesome. I do not envy them in their job, however.

The last 2 events have been plagued by people acting about 5 years old. Crowding the RPCs, spamming, trash talking, and parking their 10 quadrillion greater dragons directly in the center of the conversations.

The EMs seriously need the powers to squelch or teleport people away who are misbehaving, or Mythic needs to make good on its so far hollow threat of taking action against players disrupting events.

Message from the Game Masters
The Game Masters
24 Mar 2009 16:02:02 EST

In recent live events we have had some players who have been disruptive to the Event Moderators and other players. Going forward any player that disrupts an event will be asked to stop from the EM hosting the event. If the player continues to disrupt the event they will be removed from the area and a GM will be paged to handle the situation. Based on the GM’s investigation and findings, their account could be subject to punitive actions. If you would like to dispute such actions, you may click here and leave a detailed description.
We need to hold Mythic to this edict, and not allow them to sit idle as they do with the scripters.

Its people from three guilds on GL who act this way consistently. They know who they are. They need to stop.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The EMs on GL (Malachi & Iatu) are awesome. I do not envy them in their job, however.

The last 2 events have been plagued by people acting about 5 years old. Crowding the RPCs, spamming, trash talking, and parking their 10 quadrillion greater dragons directly in the center of the conversations.

The EMs seriously need the powers to squelch or teleport people away who are misbehaving, or Mythic needs to make good on its so far hollow threat of taking action against players disrupting events.

Message from the Game Masters
The Game Masters
24 Mar 2009 16:02:02 EST

In recent live events we have had some players who have been disruptive to the Event Moderators and other players. Going forward any player that disrupts an event will be asked to stop from the EM hosting the event. If the player continues to disrupt the event they will be removed from the area and a GM will be paged to handle the situation. Based on the GM’s investigation and findings, their account could be subject to punitive actions. If you would like to dispute such actions, you may click here and leave a detailed description.
We need to hold Mythic to this edict, and not allow them to sit idle as they do with the scripters.

Its people from three guilds on GL who act this way consistently. They know who they are. They need to stop.
I cant believe how some can be so rude I saw someone say that if their son didnt get a cloak Im going to page a real GM. I think their Son was on the first floor and didnt make it up to the roof. That kinda stuff is also uncalled for threaten the ems like that.


The Catskills event was wonderfully run, two hours of non stop action, good dialog between Fayaxion and Lady Dawn. We had a hand full of jerks but they were easily put on ignore tonight, not enough to drown out the conversation. Back at the Rewards Hall people waited patiently for cloaks and in the end got one. Great work by the EM's and the community that supported the event.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

On Baja the event was announced in advance, was excellently conceived, planned, preped and pulled off. The Citizens were just awesome, in turnout, in battle, in support, in almost every way.

Let me add some small constructive feedback. Once the battle ended, gathering all the folks together, and getting control of the crowd and establishing some quiet and order is critically important. While it went reasonably well on Baja, this is one area where future improvement may be made from lessons learned during this Event.

Moving the crowd twice, first to Ilsh/Spirit and then to Reward Station "may" have been one move to many, or may have simply happened to quickly so as not to miss some folks. But many reasons contributed to this and not all were foreseeable.

By far, I found this Event the best I have ever attended. Major Thanks and Congrats must go to all who had any part in it.

Let us learn always, and improve our future's.

For British and Britannia,

Lord Elladan of Baja


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
... and GL's EM, did a fantastic job given the sheer amount of 'bad apples' that were there. Nicely done.
I agree... too bad there are so many who don't understand that everyone would like to see what's going on and to please stand back.... and if you have a big pet like a greater dragon for the love of god please park that thing somewhere besides right over the EM's!