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[Discussion] Thank You For Attending Europa Rares Fest!!!

Roland Of Gilead

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Just Wanted to Say a Huge Thank you to Everyone who made it out to the Europa Rare's Fest!
Also a Huge Thank you to the whole fest team for working so hard to bring all our crazy ideas to life.

I know I for one, met lots o great new people and got to catch up with some others I don't see often enough!
That's always one o the best parts for me.
We Also had Lots of happy winners every day for all kinds of items including nice rares, high end items of all sorts, and of course lots o gold check winners. Congrats to all our winners of all the games an events you all did great!!!

Thanks to all you Brave folks who survived that tough horde of monsters and fought so valiantly to recover the Traveling Vendor's Lost journal he was so worried about!!
May all your feet stay happy!
Our Live Auctions and Silent Auction were a huge success thanks to the hard work of Nails an EA&E Crew!
We also had some very Kind Donations to help out with Events/Game Prizes and Such so a big shout and thank you to those who kindly donated!
Fighting Irish, Arduinna, Wanda, Drewster, Some very cool people from the land known as Toad Town
Queen Arya and Alexander, And last but not least Morphus- the tired fella who was up way too late tryin to catch vendor placers every day.;) Your donations all helped a lot and were much appreciated by fest team and all the winners I'm sure!

Special thx to Frodo for running some cool events as well as his lil scrabble thing people seemed to be enjoying so much. EA&E as well for a few really fun events.
Special Thx to Wanda and Phineas for all your hard work behind the scenes all along leading up to and during the week.
Huge thanks as well goes out to Mesanna for her amazing fest deco and for coming out to check on questionable items, to answer our questions on a number of topics and for taking time to dye masks and pumpkins even with all the riff raff crowding her out ;)
Thanks as well to Gotan And Benu who graced us with visits as well!!! Unexpected visits like that really are
exciting to us players and we appreciate you all so much for it.
Thanks to all who were kind to and gave moral support to "bacon guy" when he died outside the Fest shops and lost a lot o stuff -terrible thing for anyone to have happen- but he said everyone's kindness and support really helped cushion the blow.

Also Last but Certainly not least I wanna say thank you to Europa shard and the great folks who reside there for being helpful to visitors and being wonderful hosts for the most part :)
There's always a few in any crowd to try an cause trouble but I'm Very pleased to say it was minimal this time around and all really seemed to get along so I consider this a successful Rares Fest and I'm stickin it in the win column.

Hope you all enjoyed Europa Rares Fest as much as we did putting it on Thanks again--YOU ALL MAKE UO GREAT!!!!!!
Yours Truly-Keenan of the Europa Rares Fest Team

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks Keenan for a splendid time. I had such a blast at the rares festival. Thanks again to all who were behind the scenes making this happen. And also a huge thanks to Nails Warstien. The Silent Auction was fun to browse and get ideas for future collections. Hope to see everyone at the next festival, wherever it may be. :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Keenan, Wanda, Morph, Frodo, Arduinna, Ama, Geoffrey, Nails, and everyone else I did not mention who made this all happen...I SALUTE you!

Thank you for a Wonderful, Fun, & Memorable Europa Rares Fest!! The prep you put into this, I'm sure, was long and tiresome. But the end result was a HIT!

Thank you for the support when I lost items. You guys kept my spirits up and running, and I just kept on truckin. Many thanks to Wanda and Assia (ATL) as well. Assia found me one of my lost items right away on ATL, and it was there waiting for me.

Keenan...Props to you! You make it look EASY! :thumbup1:

Arduinna...I want your horses!! :D

Wanda...I just wanna give you a big hug! :p

Frodo...class act! :thumbup:

Morph...You da Man! :party:

Ama...ty for putting on a great auction. My arm feels so twisted lol :cursing:

Geoffrey...my new Bane Dragon will be ready to rock soon! :cool:

Nails...always organized with the silent auction...always confident when you're running the show :thumbsup:

Well done all of you!!! This isn't the last you will see of me guys!! @theEuropaRaresFestTeam **wink wink**

Huzzah to the Europa Rares Team!!

Montaj aka LoneWolf aka "bacon guy" :) **Insert Bacon Grafx Here**
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aw,can't believe I missed this! On home shard no lessD: Stupid RL responsibilities.

..Also I wish you stop following my trail across the desert gunslinger, it is creepy to stalk harmless travellersD:
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Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you all! Job well done!
The theme, the deco, the events, the hospitality, it was great!
Hugs to Keenan and staff! Hugs to Nails. Thank you Mesanna & Bennu! It was a great event


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
can someone give me a list of all the hosts of this festival so i can update my list ? thanks !


Lore Keeper
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Campaign Supporter
Thank you so much, your entire staff did a fantastic job hosting. The decorations looked beautiful and the event was well organized, I could tell many of you didn't get much sleep, trying to be on as much as possible in case anyone needed you at world different time zones =P ! I had such a wonderful time!

Also, thank you Nails, for working the Silent Auction house again, and dedicating so much of your time for everyone. Fabulous job!
