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  • Hail Guest!
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Thank you Aname and Autolycus!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dear AA,

With plans all laid out and our supplies gathered, we were ready to go with a smile

Then things happened and no one to blame but our hearts sank for awhile

AA came along, sang us a song and said no need to cry!

We'll help y'all out, just give us a shout, no worries you will get by!

They put up some gates, arranged for our mates

To host whatever their hearts did desire

They even arranged a certain roulette type of game

With Mesanna to help us expire!

So thanks go to you for all that you do and may you always have fun with us here

We look forward to more that you have in store to share with everyone all your good cheer!

(yeah I'm not a bard, *cheeky grin*)