Lord Drakelord
After reading about the new quest link here I decided to do the Humility quest only to fine that the bride is broken, she will not speak to you when you bring the painting to her. She will turn to face you when you double click her, but nothing, no words, no pop up menu, and the character I am on is on no other quests of any kind. And I cannot get rid of the painting since it is a quest item, so I guess I will have to call a GM to remove it from my pack now being this quest is broken.
Oh I found if I quit the quest the painting goes as well, cool, no need to page a GM.
ok I went back to the painter and was going to see if I could try the quest again, got another painting to take to the bride and this time she spoke to me so I guess all is well now.
Oh I found if I quit the quest the painting goes as well, cool, no need to page a GM.
ok I went back to the painter and was going to see if I could try the quest again, got another painting to take to the bride and this time she spoke to me so I guess all is well now.