Leery is a good state ... and we're basically in agreement re: one time wipe of stones.
clean slate ... fresh start ... proper roster and alla that ... two reasoned voices ... *shrugs*
As for "Leadership" they derive from votes earned ... not assigned, as differing from guilds .. aye?
"holding power" should be just a bit more then ... and ... as noted ... where in factions MORE than guilds ... it all goes MORE machiavellian ...
just saying ...
guilds can over throw leaders ... as can factions ... where does the power of the vote come from?
factions ...IF greater than guilds ... should allow a similar "ejection" option ...
all polotic is local .... I forget who first said it ...
'tis relevant
[/ QUOTE ]
Fayled, if it was as simple as getting out of factions and coming right back immediately, maybe it would be okay. But it doesn't work that way! Also, think of the consequences if a CL decides to boot the guild leader of a guild, large or small.....bye bye to that whole guild. What a freaking mess. That's why I'm saying give us a chance to live with the planned changes first and see what happens.
And as far as the CL "earning" the votes, it could come down to who has control of the most accounts. Heck, I could take all of my accounts and put a stealther on every one of them and park them next to the guild stone and have them all vote without having to worry about fighting them into the base now that we will be able to have multiple characters in factions on the same account. No more would I have to worry about whether my poor little tinker's going to get to vote because there's no way she's gonna survive the run into the base. I'll just make a stealther on that account and park it next to the stone and vote at some obscene hour. Rinse and repeat with all my other accounts and talk my friends into doing the same thing.
CL's have almost enough control as it is. If they'd ever get the the ability to pick up their own faction's misplaced traps then we might not have that many spies and infiltrators and as a result CL's wouldn't need god-like powers to boot whomever they please out of factions.