A tea party in Castle Britain...
Queen Zhah: What a lovely little kingdom you have here... *sips tea*
Queen Dawn: Actually, your majesty, we have more a democratic plutocracy. Much more amiable to long term change... *nibbles cookie*
Queen Zhah: With the right amount of money, of course... *smiles*
Queen Dawn: Ah, but money is the root of all of our lands... *sips tea*
Queen Zhah: I thought the root was wanton item covetousness... and power ... *raises eyebrow*
Queen Dawn: Power is won through control, not ownership... wouldn't you agree? *offers a crumpet*
Queen Zhah: And despair is brought through lack of control, yes? *takes a rum crumpet glancing around*
Queen Dawn: One might think that our paths lead to a singularity, presuming we each have the control we require... *sips tea*
Queen Zhah: I think, perhaps, we understand one another. *touches lip with napkin*