Aryala and Dupre watched as the remains of poor Fergus were carried away to be analysed and buried. Compared to war or crime it had been a nearly tranquil death, but the inevitability of it was most shocking. They had been watching, not knowing how to prevent it, not knowing how to deter the creature from its grisly meal. She shuddered at the memory of all the tentacles, the horns, the gelatinous mass that writhed and wriggled. A Wanderer of the Void, a creature from beyond the veil of reality.
But the idea was sound. A call to explorers and scientists around the world to bring forth their theories. They would likely have a few days until the creature could pass the gate once more. Enough time to prepare, enough time to find a solution.
And despite all, they did have some clues on where to begin. The Gargoyles and their homeland Ter Mur were intimately connected to the void. In fact, they had been suffering similar attacks for many years now. And they had not yet fallen. Then there were Aurelius and Robert with their ideas about the Abyss and places that seemed protected from evil. And also the musings about substances or items that might counter the void, tokens and trinkets of life, of resurrection and health. All theories might be good, they would just have to be open to ideas and to investigate…
This investigation mission will run for the next few days. All are invited to participate. The idea is to find a trinket, a potion or item that might help banish the murderous Wanderer of the Void before it can kill and feed again.
Participate by gathering the item which you believe might help against the Wanderer of the Void and place it into a bag. Add a book with your name to the bag and place the bag into the EM’s mailbox next to the EM meeting hall in Britain. You get an extra point if you explain your theory in the book and explain why you believe your submission will work. The best theories (the ones that work) might earn an extra point after the next event. All points will count towards the final reward that the EM will provide at the end of the storyline, which will be a statue of the most influential player placed in Trinsic.
Please note: there is explicitly no right answer or theory to this. We are looking for creative ideas that match the storyline. You do not have to discover that one specific item. If your idea and explanation are good then go ahead, it will earn you points no matter what and it will be fun to see the results!
You can also of course discuss here about your ideas and solutions…
But the idea was sound. A call to explorers and scientists around the world to bring forth their theories. They would likely have a few days until the creature could pass the gate once more. Enough time to prepare, enough time to find a solution.
And despite all, they did have some clues on where to begin. The Gargoyles and their homeland Ter Mur were intimately connected to the void. In fact, they had been suffering similar attacks for many years now. And they had not yet fallen. Then there were Aurelius and Robert with their ideas about the Abyss and places that seemed protected from evil. And also the musings about substances or items that might counter the void, tokens and trinkets of life, of resurrection and health. All theories might be good, they would just have to be open to ideas and to investigate…
This investigation mission will run for the next few days. All are invited to participate. The idea is to find a trinket, a potion or item that might help banish the murderous Wanderer of the Void before it can kill and feed again.
Participate by gathering the item which you believe might help against the Wanderer of the Void and place it into a bag. Add a book with your name to the bag and place the bag into the EM’s mailbox next to the EM meeting hall in Britain. You get an extra point if you explain your theory in the book and explain why you believe your submission will work. The best theories (the ones that work) might earn an extra point after the next event. All points will count towards the final reward that the EM will provide at the end of the storyline, which will be a statue of the most influential player placed in Trinsic.
Please note: there is explicitly no right answer or theory to this. We are looking for creative ideas that match the storyline. You do not have to discover that one specific item. If your idea and explanation are good then go ahead, it will earn you points no matter what and it will be fun to see the results!
You can also of course discuss here about your ideas and solutions…