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Teleporters from IDOC

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
i have 2 teleporter tiles i found at 2 different idocs. i'm trying to find the matching teleporters in hopes of buying the mate. these are the chargeable type; not the vet reward teleporters. i have both locked down in my house with access set to anyone.

if you have an unmatched teleporter that takes you to a large tower in trammel (or know of someone that has one), would you please contact me? my icq is 23 607 369. or you can leave a message on the bulletin board or here. thanks!!

ps... if anyone knows Fuu, i think he/she has one of the teleporters. does anyone know Fuu? thanks again!

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
problem solved! someone informed me the teleporters can be re-linked (i did not know this). i was able to relink the 2 i have to each other. yay!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
*opens mouth to install a wealth of knowledge and..... oh wait you figured it out..... *sigh**