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Teleporter Network of Pacific

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Good Evening all,

I hope this day finds you well.

My newest community focused project is a net work of teleporter pads connecting the interesting locations of Pacific which we as players have built over the years.

My vision is one location which will easily link the Museums, Historically important player establishments, Player Towns, unique home locations like the abyss or islands, Active Guild Houses, well run Non Luna Vendor Malls and such. Heck and anything else you can think of.

Ander and proprietor of the Legendary Dreams Library of Exceptional Quality right out the east side of Luna, has performed a small renovation to accommodate the space needed for the project and will help set up the tiles in the Teleport Floor.

Please feel free to contact Ander or Myself to get things going.
We would like a book titled with the name of your property on the cover and a description of the location inside. We will red leaf it so that it is perm. We will lock this down over the teleporter at the Legendary Dreams Library and set the security for the book to anyone for their reading enjoyment.
Ander will provide you with a similar book for your side. It’s always a good idea to know where one is going.

If you do not have your own Teleporter Tile set to get this going I have provided Ander with several to loan out to help get this project off the ground. You can use them for as long as you like. I would just appreciate the return if you ever decide to leave or acquire your own.

I would love to see this become a major attraction on Pacific and working together we can make this a huge success and reality for the use of everyone who comes to Pacific.

All Aboard!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I might be able to sell a couple sets if anyone needs. Just Pm offer.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Just a reminder everyone. We already have a few location networked. Let's work on getting all of our places linked up. I have given Ander several Teleporter sets to get things started. Please do not let a teleporter set get in the way of linking your location up. Just see Ander and he will get you going!!!


Hello Pacific!

Just an update on the Teleporter Network....

There are several people that are interested in participating in the network and are feverishly working to finalize their properties for all of Pacific to see via the Teleporter Network!

I continue searching for Pacific Players that may have a home of historical relevance, themed or rares museums, or even perhaps a well established vendor house out in the woods next to grandma's house and or other locations of interest.

Come by the Legendary Dreams Library and visit the Teleporter Network on the roof of the library!

Any questions or concerns may be addressed here on this post or at my personal message board at the library.

Hope to hear from you and see your homes of interest Pacific! Come by the Library and see me or drop me a message on that board and lets fill up these slots with great houses of Pac!

Ander [L=S]
Epic Scribe, Legendary Saints
-Proprietor of the Legendary Dreams Library-​

Mar Scyth

Greetings Pacific Felucca Players! There is now a place to also show off your Fel Homes, Libraries, Museums and anything else you would like for the public to be able to see and appreciate. I have opened the Legendary Nightmares Library and Pacific felucca telepad Network in conjunction with Lord Nabin and Ander.
The pacific PvP arena has already taken advantage and joined us in this project, hurry and join in!

