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[Selling] Teleport Rings


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I want to sell "Teleport Rings".
So I have some questions.

I was able to understand these things.
"practical = high charge = high price"

My "Teleport Rings" varies from charge-1 to charge-11.

How many charges are practical and suitable for sale?

If low price, would you consider purchasing at low charges?

For example ...
8charges x2(16)
7charges x3(21)
5charges x2(10)
Total 73charges

I put the above into the vendor at 36.5m, but did not sell.
-Was there a problem with my price setting?
-Is it because it contains low charge items?

I would be glad if you gave me your advice.
Please thank you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No teleport items always have low charges.
Put then back on ur vendor and ill buy them :)
Thank you for your reply.

I will try to put them in the vendor again.
I hope you can buy them.(I will put them in the vendor twice.)

Thank you.