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The last few months, I've been having trouble with page loads (long freezes/pauses) with any browser I use (I have 3, and use them for different projects, as some work better than the others for certain things). Similarly, there's a delay in the browser-based login screen of UO.

Last night, I got the following BSOD, and wonder if there's a connection.

the error stated the error was with the following

address B41F967C base at B41ED000 Datestamp 485b99ad

Could this be the cause of all my browser problems? and if so, how do I get a clean copy of tcpip.sys for Windows XP SP3?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Basara ... a few basics please.

Have you flushed the DNS? At command prompt (run as administrator!) type

ipconfig /flushdns


You should see "Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache"

If that doesn't help, then give us a bit more information:

Processor, ram?
OS? Including SP.
Virus program? Particularly any "internet security".
How often has it/does it BSOD on you?
Is your CPU nearly maxed out on svchost "network services" when you are opening the browsers? (Which browsers and versions)
Have you scanned for "infection"?


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This was the first BSOD for this, but my page resolving has been getting worse and worse for the last six months.
OS: XP SP3; Core 2 Duo processor, 2.4; 4 GM ram (even though it only really uses 3)
Browsers: latest versions of IE8, Safari and Firefox (yes, all 3 - I primarily use the first two). Browsers have gotten to the point of taking a 30-60 seconds or more to start up initially (a little quicker if restarting a browser later).
No infections detected.
My AV/firewall is Kaspersky (reskinned for an ISP that I maintain email & web accounts for, even though I no longer use them for the actual connection). I double-check it about 2-3 times a month with other reputable companies' online scanners, as well as Malwarebytes Anti-malware (including one scan a month in safe mode). Internet security settings for the software are configured more toward the "speed" end of the spectrum.

the DNS flush appeared to have some immediate effect (did it during this reply), but I'll get back to you on whether it was a short term or long-term effect later.