Lovely Jasper pointed my attention to the lengthy book on the table in order to assist him. Feeling like a good book on a long journey, I went and purchased books and set my inscription to make a few copies.
The quest book would not copy and that may be intended but the 4 books I tried it on are now stuck in my backpack and loading me down in weight. I gated to a moongate fine, once there I am unable to move and since I cant remove the books, am in for a loooong picnic at Skara Brae gate *grins*
and yes I am sending it to da bug list. Just a quick forums heads up and a plead for someone to get me a weight watchers meal?
The quest book would not copy and that may be intended but the 4 books I tried it on are now stuck in my backpack and loading me down in weight. I gated to a moongate fine, once there I am unable to move and since I cant remove the books, am in for a loooong picnic at Skara Brae gate *grins*
and yes I am sending it to da bug list. Just a quick forums heads up and a plead for someone to get me a weight watchers meal?