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Tavern Night

  • Thread starter Singlarad BSR
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

Singlarad BSR

Does anyone remember when players would gather for tavern night? Just a time to chat and relax, make new friends? When maybe some one would recite a poem or break into song?

Would there be any interest in reviving this tradition?

Singlarad BSR

It would have to be something done on a regular basis I think to build support. Public venues are nice in some ways but a pain in the others. I can offer my place I set it up as a Tavern anyway. Any other supporters out there?

Lord Essex

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm up for it.. There is the community meetups every monday night 7:30 central time at the Community Center in Skara Brae as well

Pwn3rg1z3r Bunny

Why not just make a Chat Channel to talk with each other. Plus you in a diff chat channels means less noobs in Gen Chat.

I'll go to the event if you can get Jan to go.

Lord Essex

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why not just make a Chat Channel to talk with each other. Plus you in a diff chat channels means less noobs in Gen Chat.

I'll go to the event if you can get Jan to go.
Sounds like a brilliant idea to me.. even if I dunno how to use the chat channel still.. lol sure I can figure it out..

**Side note.. last community meeting I think we stayed around for an hour or so afterwards just reminiscing about that past.

****On a double side note.. I think it would be neat to use the Silver Arrow sometimes.. its been so long since I've been to any meetings/events & well.. I miss the heck outta it ^^