Justin Dreisden
Was curious if these creatures are still tameable?
This didn't work for me a few days ago with Bakes, maybe just a Siege thing as I found nothing in the patch notes about this ability of necros with a canine summon being removed.Yes, if necro's summon a dire wolf, they can tame some. Not sure why you'd go for dire wolves when you can get two kitsune the same way, though.
If you tame and release an aggressive creature it will remain docile as long as you don't refresh your screen. That is: Dismount and mount your ride, for instance. That will 'remind' the wolves that you are not really as much of a friend as you claimed to be...Dire's are certainly tameable, and it's very handy to tame and release them if you're taming around their spawns eg in twisted werld and the ridgeback spawn in Ilshy Once released *usually* they won't bother you again, and at the ridgeback spawn they're useful for killing ridgebacks on.