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Taming, holy crap


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So i made a post over on the official boards (yeah I know, I broke my oath) but I"m so pissed at this nonsense I can't stand it. I have 3x120 taming skills, I command my pet to attack something and it nibbles at it for a moment or 2, and then goes to some minutaie monster 2 screens away. I know this is intentional coding and I can't for the life of me figure out why. And don't even get me started on how everything in the damn dungeon will attack ME and not the biggest threat to their very existence which is my pet !!!!!! Holy crap I'm so upset right now by this that it's embarrassing. Please, reply with some common sense as to why you agree or disagree. Our pets have very high intelligence, apparently until we get them into a dungeon and then they become some mindless, clueless tard that can't do anything right.

And I know the obvious things..I keep him well fed, I talk nice to him, I keep him healed and rarely if ever insta log which could confuse him, hell I even bring over female species for him during his offtime to keep him satisfied, so its NONE of those things. It can only be an over zealous Developer, that's so afraid that me and my pet are going to take over Sosaria and WIN UO !!! that they have to slip in these silly lines of coding lunacy to keep us at bay, oh but land owners and Idocr's can totally control and rule the lands, but don't let a tamer issue a single All Kill command and let it be successful, they might get a big head and bank sit bragging about their prowess...../sarcasm
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
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Perhaps that lowly critter 2 screens away was dissing you? Or mayhaps it just smelled so terrible that your pet just HAD to destroy it immediately as it was offensive to your pet's obviously overly powerful sense of smell...

Just a few thoughts as to why they do what they do...

Or perhaps... Bleak can't code his way out of a proverbial wet paper sack... and would rather just add art to the game and not be bothered with actual coding...

Do not get me started on those possibilities...

But I often times wonder those things myself... How a creature that is 10x more intelligent than my character can't see the danger staring right at the both of us and wants to wander (at a snail's pace despite its much higher dex and such)... to some target far away... That hasn't even looked at us... but it is what it is.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is why i avoid putting AoE/DoT abilities on most of my pets (except for very specific ones meant for AoE, like my FWW+PB Najasaurus). AoE abilities make your pet target switch like mad, and DoT abilities will make your pet stick to a target, even when you don't want it to and order it to kill a new higher priority target that just popped up. None of my Beetles receive Poisoning for this reason, nor do any of my pets get Exploding Goo. I too wish the "All Kill" command target was an absolute hard focus for your pet until either the target is dead, the pet is dead, or you give the pet a new command.