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Tamers and Champ spawns


Lore Master
Are any of the champ spawns solo-able with a tamer?

If so, which ones?

What pet/build is best for champ spawns?

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Alot of them are. Just takes time.

You need an AOE pet to clear the adds.
Some areas dont suit themselves well to a solo tamer due to obstructions, walls etc which makes it take a long time to travel around to clear spawn.

I like my mystic + goo cu for most.
Sometimes bane + goo.

Been thinking of expanding with MM pets.
I love my NM + AI + MM for felucca + PVP, but I dont have as much AOE dmg (using magery + SW so limited to those AOE spells).
A necro user would be able to wither and kill adds quick, then use pet with consume dmg to kill boss.

Some bosses like rikktor/semidar are PITA due to switching target and dealing huge dmg.
You will need a decent suit for your tamer too.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I’ve started doing them recently.

Built my tamers suit around casting focus, SDI, and eaters.
120 mage medi taming lore spellweaving and vet.
Spellweaving thunderstorm and essence of wind, plus teleport to get all the mobs on screen to me, invis, and let the pet do the work while I blast wildfires. Attunement helps avoid damage, and Arcane Empowerment allows super healing spells and higher SDI.
Naja with FW and PB or Mystic Goo AI Cu, depending on which champ. I only do semidar with a sampire because of her damage output, and Rikky with my thrower.
I prefer the Najasaurus because of the high dex and Resist spells.

I’ve had success with Rat champ and undead with pets. May try Oaks, but I’m not sure yet.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
You can do semidar with a naja or dimi.
Have 90% phys resist seem to work good on her 75% phys dmg 25% fire dmg.

Just make sure you dont get aggroed, she has dragon AI.