Mine is pretty simple, and relatively cheap. It works fine most of the time.
Taming 110 (107.5 atm)
Lore 110
Vet 110
Magery 110
Eval 110
Med 110
Chivalry 55
Granted, I currently have Lore and Vet at 115, because, hey, I'm PSed up to that anyway. Also, they raise quickly. And they do more for me than, say, 60+ chiv. I might just keep Chiv lower and having Taming and Lore at 115, or if i ever bother, Taming 110/Lore 120.
As long as you're PSed up, 110 taming/lore is plenty. That gives 99% control with everything except Fire Steeds and Dread Warhorses, and all it takes is the Bird Talisman to make those 99% as well. Actually taming critters works best if you have Taming PSed up to 120 (or in my cheap-ass case, 115), which is easily achieved by switching out a bracelet when doing so. Switching bracelets/rings can also give you the extra stable slots, though that can be a pain (and requires you to have 120 PSs in those skills... expensive, again).
Chivalry is there, almost exclusively (i don't use it for anything else) to remove curses and Mortal Strike from your pets. This makes Miasma even more of a breeze, and helps when Crimson Brain Rots you.
If you don't mind the expense and rely on EVs when pets aren't around, Magery 120/med 100 would probably work fine.