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Tales of a night of adventure with EOTD


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23:30 EOTD rallys its numbers for a harrower gamers from australia to japan unite.
23:45 EOTD pops harrower
24:10 COM rallys to cover for any raids
24:15 first harrower is slain
24:20 KOS raids with 4 or 5
24:25 Count Silverbow is slain his insides strewn about the dungeon his eyeballs used as deco.
24:30 KOS is defeated by COM after intense battle. :thumbup1:
24:50 True harrower defeated
24:55 scrolls converted and divided amongst EOTD and COM Brother Victor!
01:15 EOTD Pops second Harrower
01:20 COM is on ready for raiders to be put on death status
01:25 Ruby Red announces over general chat EOTD has popped a harrower
01:30 First Harrower is destroyed
01:40 The True Harrower is destroyed
01:50 Scrolls converted and divided to the victor goes the spoils

03:00 EOTD despise run MIN Magic Muffin (not sure on name)arrives
03:00 MIN Magic Muffin (i think that was name i forget)is slain
03:01 COM arrives
03:03 Alter Ego arrives ironically just after MIN. He is slain by White wolf com
before he could get screen shot.
03:05 EOTD finishes spawn. 115 eval.
03:06 ALter Ego returns
03:06 alter ego is slain in star by white wolf.:thumbup1:

03:07 Count Silverbow returns to site of first harrower to retrieve missing
03:08 Blames Ruby Red for stealing eyeball that was removed after horrific
03:09 Ruby Red is to bz shopping.

03:10 Finds miissing eyeball for sale on luna vendor ... :stretcher:


dude lol so funny good read while waiting on servers too funny


Damn! I need to find more time to game! I miss so much good stuff :(

Luke Carjacker

You really didn't do justice to the fight between Bender the Black and the KOS raiders during the first harrower. He fought them 1 on 4 and kept them off us long enough for our tamers to kill the true harrower, then when Iceburn arrived the two of them systematically killed off KOS so we were able to claim all 32 scrolls and stroll leisurely out of Shame. Honestly the most impressive fighting I've witnessed in recent memory.

It also bears mentioning that Silverbow as at work and AFK when he was slaughtered, but all is fair in that type of field fight.


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Only reason why they even got close to killing us was because you guys would dismount us and stick two gd's on us. Congrats. And bender wasn't exactly fighting us off more like running for his life; we didn't care about scrolls only wanted to fight. gj you completed a harry with 3 people raiding 10 people.


Stratics Veteran
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Only reason why they even got close to killing us was because you guys would dismount us and stick two gd's on us. Congrats. And bender wasn't exactly fighting us off more like running for his life; we didn't care about scrolls only wanted to fight. gj you completed a harry with 3 people raiding 10 people.
You angry bro? Every single comment you make on the boards or in game are negative. You really must have zero fun playing the game being angry all the time. I assume it runs in the family because your brother gets PISSED every time he dies.

Putting that aside, don't act like you could beat us in a 2v2. You simply can't.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
let me remind you, you died on two chars and Eggy died on one, and I'm down to 2v2 remember when you and sweet 2v2'd me and pink? you guys lost. Oh and to your question no I'm not angry that I died I had fun; I just tell it how it is. If someone is wrong then I correct them; sorry if the truth hurts.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
let me remind you, you died on two chars and Eggy died on one, and I'm down to 2v2 remember when you and sweet 2v2'd me and pink? you guys lost. Oh and to your question no I'm not angry that I died I had fun; I just tell it how it is. If someone is wrong then I correct them; sorry if the truth hurts.
Yep, then all of you died!

You mean Sweet Teen died...then Orion and I 2v2'd you. You both died on two characters. First fight was what, like 11 seconds?

Or how about right after the harrower, you and jvulol fought Eggy and I 2v2. You guys lost ;)

Balian of Asgard

Only reason why they even got close to killing us was because you guys would dismount us and stick two gd's on us.
What are they supposed to do, DM you, then ask pets to sit stay and offer you coffee and cake??


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why are you guys even arguing over a harrower that was popped by a bunch of trammies that we all know they would have lost had they not been paying for protection? Honestly people brag about a harrower when its done prime time and you do it standing on your own 2 without having outsiders to protect you.


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tori sounds like she needs a good bite... :rolleyes:
you need to visit my manor .... here kitty kitty...
ill post a pic of me in the pic thread if Tori tells me to ...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets not change the subject. The subject at hand is that there is no point to arguing or bragging about a harrower that you could not hold without assistance. I personally could care less if you posted a pic of yourself in the rl thread it has no impact on the subject at hand which is you should not brag til you can do your harrowers at prime time and without assistance.

Luke Carjacker

Well, to be honest we have very few members that are online during what you would consider prime time. We've always been a late night guild, and as a result, over time a lot of the members we've added are also on late-night. We always had regulars who are in Hong Kong, several in Japan, Hawaii, Australia and so forth (and we don't have to listen to constant whining about ping, etc.). We do spawns when our members are most active, and we do harrowers when the greatest number of our members can participate because it's a fun reward for helping slog through lord oaks and other spawns.

But, I'm looking at our roster in the middle of the day on Sunday and we have 3 people online, and if you were to look at say 7pm on any given weekday, you'd likely find fewer than 3-4 unique people at most. We just don't have many people on at those times, and it would make no sense to do harrowers when the bulk our people who earned the skulls aren't even online. Much more fun for us to do runs like the other night, where all of our members and friends that participated walked away with at least one +25 each. We've got nothing to prove, but if you want proof I can tell you that 25s stack 17 high when locked down and along with some artifact drops and 120s can be turned in nice things like, say, luna houses.

But I guess everyone can walk away happy. The people who were there for a fight got to have some fun. Our members are in it for the spawns and loot and we had a great time. Everybody wins, which begs the question why some people are so angry... maybe people would rage less if they were more honest with themselves.

Balian of Asgard

your 1st paragraph was decent, then it went downhill, most of the pvper here have already been there and done that within there own tight knit groups, not having to contract protection, it would be easy for your protectors to take the harries from you and reap the scrolls, but like I said, they all have most likely been there and done that and they just want the pvp action, so yes, its a win/win for your two groups, but relax on the cheese bro, no need for dbl scoops


goddamn, LOTS of vagisil needs to be passed out I think.


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ok well sorry for bragging, 1000 curses on me for trying to give some encouragement to EOTD and those who helped at the harrowers...your right tori i deserve to be spanked..... mmmm spanked by tori :gee:

hmm and what if we do some harrowers during primetime then what ? will you still love me ?

draws heart on hand writes tori in the heart...

cmon people join EOTD and lets do 2 harrowers primetime together itll be fun forget about your faction horsies and your faction gear all we need are like 4 or 5 capable pvpers with the stones to want to do this in the guild since shes saying they have to be in the guild and not in an alliance. The discorder , dragons and skulls are all set stymie can invite you if your interested...!!!! as for payment if we get it done ill buy beer for everyone !!!

what time is primetime again tori 5ish ?


goddamn, LOTS of vagisil needs to be passed out I think.
LOL! :owned: this was the only post worth reading after the first one. to dam funny........:lol::lol:


Lore Master
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Please do not mistake White Wolf from K@ZI for White Wolf Clone.
White Wolf did not help EOTD with a harrower.

Eyes of Origin


missing the uo days.....

with the lack of ppl in game right now, who cares if they did a harrower with help or not.. at least it gave everyone that showed up something to do.



missing the uo days.....

with the lack of ppl in game right now, who cares if they did a harrower with help or not.. at least it gave everyone that showed up something to do.

The smartest and most accurate post in this entire thread. :thumbup1: