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Tales from Vesper - (Ongoing RP)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Return​

After serving the Avatarian Church in an effort to cleanse Sagewind. Palin, the Grandmaster of the Red Rose Knights, decided to return to his homelands in the north, only to see it in flames. Rioting had been taken to the streets. The Kingdom of once was seemed to be no more. The guardsmen who one protected this kingdom, now seemed to sit by and watch as the town of Vesper burned.

Palin, a once guardsman who served Britannia, thought of the past when there was still a kingdom, always believing in the first place that such a place should be free from the rule of kings and tyrants and now the guards sit by and watch as the people without a kingdom, burn their own town down to the ground. The blue haired former guardsmen looked around and shrugged off any fear and calmly said to himself "something must be done."