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Taking Offers/Selling Set of EM and PVP Event Fel/PVP Items


Stratics Veteran
Hello. I am looking to take offers on this set of items....I really would like to sell this to someone who plans to keep it together, but ultimately I am only going to sell it if I get an offer that makes me feel ok to part with it. So please shoot me your offers here, ICQ or DM. Thanks

You can see these items @ my house. It is the 3rd hose on the right leaving the west Umbra city exit. I have a few other items that go well with it all, if you want those as well just let me know and we can work something out.

1) Ancient Tourmaline Statue Left Behind by the 1st Rules of Felucca

2) A Snow Flake from the Great Fel Winter Storm

3) Felucca Moon

4) Feluccas Madness: Embrace the Fear

5) A Solid Gold Plate Taken from the Crypt of an Ancient Feluccan King

6) Ancient Ruby Lantern Containing the Forgotten Fires of Felucca

7) Felucca Festival of the Grape Harvest, Great Lakes 2011

8) A Vase Filed with the Screaming Voices and Blood of Dead Heroes in Felucca: The Mad King

9) I Gave my Life and Took the Wonderful Crystal From Felucca, Drachenfels

10) An Infernalized Statue Bearing the Toil and Dilapidation of Generations in Felucca

11) The Forgotten Gem of Felucca, Blessed by the Death of a Thousand Soilders

12) I Defended Felucca from the Haloweenie King

13) Guildstone: PVP Beginner's (PBG)

14) I Survived PVP Night Long Enough to Seal this Sash! (Atlantic 2010)

15) I Tried to Fight in the 2v2 Tournament **Sash

16) I Was Not the Last Man Standing on Atlantic 2010 *Sash

17) I Survived more or Less the Deadly Scavenger Hunt (Drachenfels 2010) *Sash

18) I Fought in the Oceania PVP Tourny *Doublet

19) Semi-Finalist in the Oceania PVP Tourny *Kilt

20) The 3rd Balhae Duel Event Fighter *Glacial Staff

I think that is it. If I run across anything else I will add it.


Stratics Veteran

I have had a lot of interest in these items individually but I would really like to keep this together.


Stratics Veteran
Bump. Selling all of this as well as most everything else I have. I will work soon to list everything else, but my home is listed above if you want to visit and reach out. I will be leaving Sunday for a few days, but I should be around until then.