Taking offers on items, I don't expect full "retail" price on rares, I know how these things work. Only numbered items are the gift boxes - the names for all other items are displayed on screen - other than the "Items" Of Exceptional Quality. Those items are A Robe Of Exceptional Quality, A Tunic, A Thigh Boots, A Leather Cap, A Dagger, and A Bonnet. All full item name Of Exceptional Quality. 60k Diamond Necklace is also in that box, figured I'd elaborate in case the red text on image is difficult to read. I'll post here and in Rares forums, even though some items are not rares. I just can't be bothered to separate things - I know, I'm a miscreant
900m takes everything in the picture, nice chance to make a few hundred mil flipping stuff.
Or piecing it out one at a time. So feel free to post offers!
Thanks in advance,
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