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Taking Offers On Fel Keep On Ice Isle


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Selling Fel Keep On Ice Island

I have an original fel keep for sale on ice isle if anyone is interested. Send me a pm or post here and I will be glad to show you. This keep was placed when UO first began. Open water on one side, great location and almost no traffic. Taking offers of gold and would consider partial trade if you have something I need.

Budweiser KDL

I thought Keep's weren't created in UO untill after Tram. Yah untill then Larger Towers where the biggest house you could have.


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This keep was home to the COS guild from long ago. I used to own the tower that was next door to it. I think they were both used by that guild. I didn't think you had been around since the beginning of time Bud!


I thought Keep's weren't created in UO untill after Tram. Yah untill then Larger Towers where the biggest house you could have.
nope... castles and keeps were around before tram... just more expensive than anything else.... i knew a few guilds on nappa that RENTED a tower for a mil a month... which was crazy gold back then... this was back when people still went and got repairs at smith shops and all that fun stuff tho...


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
This keep is still for sale. I will take gold or gold and items, especially if you have stag drops that I didn't get.