Taking offers on this bag of SA ingredients
62 Arcanic Rune Stone - mage weapon property
12 seed of Renewal - hit point, stamina, and mana regen properties
41 Boura Pelt - adds resists
1 Slith Tongue - hit dispel property
60 Silver Snake Skin - spell channeling property
7 Void Orb - hit mana, hit stamina, and hit life leach properties
1 Elven Fletching - lower requirements property
2 Undying Flesh - Undead slayer property
60 Essence of Acheivment - faster casting property
70 Essence of Singularity - defense chance increase property
4 Goblin Blood - Repond slayer property
4 Vial of Vitriol - Elemental slayer property
121 Silver Serpent Venom - Used to make new dyes
29 Toxic Venom Sac - used to make scouring toxin and softened reeds
35 Void Essence - used to craft soulstones, leather wolves, clockwork scorpions, and Vollems
Post, PM, or ICQ with offers
62 Arcanic Rune Stone - mage weapon property
12 seed of Renewal - hit point, stamina, and mana regen properties
41 Boura Pelt - adds resists
1 Slith Tongue - hit dispel property
60 Silver Snake Skin - spell channeling property
7 Void Orb - hit mana, hit stamina, and hit life leach properties
1 Elven Fletching - lower requirements property
2 Undying Flesh - Undead slayer property
60 Essence of Acheivment - faster casting property
70 Essence of Singularity - defense chance increase property
4 Goblin Blood - Repond slayer property
4 Vial of Vitriol - Elemental slayer property
121 Silver Serpent Venom - Used to make new dyes
29 Toxic Venom Sac - used to make scouring toxin and softened reeds
35 Void Essence - used to craft soulstones, leather wolves, clockwork scorpions, and Vollems
Post, PM, or ICQ with offers