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[Selling] Swordsmanship Weapons

  • Thread starter Wolfthistle
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Hi. My Blacksmith, Chalice, recently earned her very first valorite runic hammer - and was so excited she ran home and used it up right away. I am selling a few items that she made.

Please PM me with offers.

Items are on Atlantic

  • Hit Lower Attack 44%
  • Hit Life Leech 57%
  • Hit Lower Defense 46%
  • Swing Speed Increase 30%
  • Damage Increase 54%

  • Spell Channeling (No Penalty)
  • Hit Lightning 42%
  • Mage Weapon -21
  • Hit Lower Defense 44%
  • Damage Increase 39%

Heavy Ornate Axe
  • Hit Life Leech 57%
  • Defense Chance Increase 13%
  • Faster Casting 1
  • Swing Speed Increase 25%
  • Damage Increase 62%

Heavy Ornate Axe
  • Hit Lower Defense 50%
  • Hit Chance Increase 13%
  • Faster Casting 1
  • Swing Speed Increase 30%
  • Damage Increase 47%
  • Use Best Weapon Skill

I'm not sure if I'm selling the following sword. If I receive a good offer I will though, so I thought I may as well post it.

Radiant Scimitar
  • Hit Lower Defense 44%
  • Spell Channeling
  • Hit Fireball 44%
  • Hit Chance Increase 13%
  • Faster Casting -1
  • Swing Speed Increase 25%
  • Damage Increase 39%

Asahina Yajinden

wow thos are actually some nice weaps congrat's!!!!

i have only burned one val runic and everything i made ended up being smelted.

here lately i've had amazing luck using bronze hammers using iron ingots so i'll have plenty of good items to unravel when imbuing comes out.


Thanks Asahina! I know I got really lucky - I guess the RNG just liked me for once!



I would like to add one more sword to the list of weapons I am selling. Again, the swords are on Atlantic, and please PM me for offers.

  • Spell Channeling
  • Hit Lightning 48%
  • Mage Weapon -21 Skill
  • Defense Chance Increase 13%
  • Faster Casting -1
  • Swing Speed Increase 30%
  • Damage Increase 39%



The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I wonder where all my luck was gone.
And now I have found it.
Damn,you lucky moffo.

Im not a sissy swordsman but if that scimitar was a warfork I would send a truck filled with gold to you.

Well done !

The Scandinavian