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swamp dragon sightings?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ive been hunting swamp dragon for a while now (got a hankerin' for the green scales), but the only place i have found them is in Ilshenar with Chaos Dragoons. on many occassions i have searched the places they are supposed to be (Fens of the Dead, Hoppers Bog, Nox Tereg) but have yet to actually see one in the wild. i have no problem collecting scales from the dragoons so its more a curiosity than anything... have swamp dragons stopped spawning? has anyone spotted one recently and if so where?

on a side, i am also looking to purchase a swamp dragon as a mount so if there are any tamers out there interested please PM.

thank you!


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
There are 2 always by my house in the Fens of the Dead. Ya just have to look for the 2 or 3 that spawn. Many there do spawn in the open area of the Castles I will tell you that.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like Snakeman said, they have a tendency to spawn in Castle courtyards. I'll log on my tamer this evening and see if I can find you one. If I find one to tame I'll PM you to find a time and location to get it to you.

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a Swamp Dragon for you. I'll check in Luna off and on. Otherwise let me know a good time to get with you.


Former Stratics Publisher
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I don't think he wants to have it as a mount, but is hunting them for their scales....


if you want, to get, dragoons tirrag, ahint, honesty ils over by the river, the north western bridge is at mistas ent to juka city, just pull the dragoon over to the south away from the lords and mages, be warned on weekends extreme para spawns there.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think he wants to have it as a mount, but is hunting them for their scales....
actually a little of both :) felt like a new ride and a swamp dragon that could absorb a bit of physical for me sounded groovy :)

a big thanks to Ken for the swamp dragon! and thanks to Snakeman for the tip. there are regularly 3 out there so ive added the fens to my hunt rotation :) thanks for the dragoons tip as well :) interesting hunting amongst all the juka. added the juka lords on my gathering as well. good amount of loot and relatively easy target.