The Ethereal Void Imperium announced yesterday their intentions of nominating a Supreme Chancellor to oversee the roles and responsibilities of EVI. After a quick vote, a majority ruled to accept the nomination of Scorpio, from the township of Cibola. Scorpio will step into his role as Supreme Chancellor in the next few weeks. He has governed a few townships before, and states "I am Honored that the EVI OOC Leaders have faith in me to fulfill the position of Supreme Chancellor, and i will do my best to not to let anyone down." Scorpio was the Mayor that established the Township of Action and Cibola. He has many years overseeing the development of townships and operating an organization within the UO Gaming Community. We look forward to seeing what he is capable of doing for the Ethereal Void Imperium. For Contact information of the Ethereal Void Imperium Check their website here. http://etherealvoidimperium.wikispaces.com/