WHEN? Sunday 8th of April at 7:30pm UK Time, 8:30pm Central European Time
WHERE? The Swaggers Tavern, West of Vesper, Trammel
*NO FIGHTING WILL BE TOLERATED, during our event. The only fighting will be done by the entrants to the Gladiator event. Bring plenty of gold as each booth ranges from 50 to 100gps, depending on the booth. You can come back to the booths as many times as you wish. The great Swaggers Inn will be hosting their incredible tavern on the lawn out front of their establishment. They will also host the eating competition. Be sure to come dressed for the occasion, and men the women will all be given colorful ribbons. The man with the most ribbons at the end of the night will be the Dandy of Carnival. Hope to see you there, taking place from Swaggers to the beach.
WHERE? The Swaggers Tavern, West of Vesper, Trammel

*NO FIGHTING WILL BE TOLERATED, during our event. The only fighting will be done by the entrants to the Gladiator event. Bring plenty of gold as each booth ranges from 50 to 100gps, depending on the booth. You can come back to the booths as many times as you wish. The great Swaggers Inn will be hosting their incredible tavern on the lawn out front of their establishment. They will also host the eating competition. Be sure to come dressed for the occasion, and men the women will all be given colorful ribbons. The man with the most ribbons at the end of the night will be the Dandy of Carnival. Hope to see you there, taking place from Swaggers to the beach.