The Summon Creature magery spell takes an inordinate amount of time to cast, especially considering it is mostly a novelty spell. The Blade Spirits spell is the same way, only with marginally more usefulness.
I remember that the 8th circle summons spells also used to have an incredibly long casting time, but this was changed due to the fact that so many people wanted to simultaneously cast them and not fly into a blind rage over the ridiculous casting time that was completely negating any shred of remunerative qualities they possessed.
So the question is: Why was this change never implemented for Summon Creature or Blade Spirits? These are not exactly the sorts of spells that would become overpowering by having normal casting times. And as I pointed out, there are far more powerful and useful summoning spells that can be cast more quickly *coughEnergyVortexcoughcough*.
So consider this a petition to do one of two things:
I remember that the 8th circle summons spells also used to have an incredibly long casting time, but this was changed due to the fact that so many people wanted to simultaneously cast them and not fly into a blind rage over the ridiculous casting time that was completely negating any shred of remunerative qualities they possessed.
So the question is: Why was this change never implemented for Summon Creature or Blade Spirits? These are not exactly the sorts of spells that would become overpowering by having normal casting times. And as I pointed out, there are far more powerful and useful summoning spells that can be cast more quickly *coughEnergyVortexcoughcough*.
So consider this a petition to do one of two things:
- Change the casting time for Summon Creature and Blade Spirits down to the normal amount for their circle, or
- Increase the casting time of all other summon spells to exorbitant, ridiculous amounts, because answering the question of "What's up with the crazy casting time on Summon Creature and Blade Spirits?" with "It's because they're summon spells stfu." doesn't make any sense when there are 6 other summon spells that don't take anywhere near that long to cast. Either they all take forever to cast, or they all don't.