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Summerfest Events: 6/13-6/17

EM Barnaby

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Monday, June 13th - Pub Crawl - 9pm EST
Meet at The Cat's Lair in Britain (Trammel) to enjoy a night of camaraderie as we do a tour of the various Pubs of the land. This is a social event, so no competition or combat - just a chance to relax.

Tuesday, June 14th - Cow Tipping - 12pm EST
Join EM Adris for a short, midday event at the Fairgrounds. Veterinarians will be on hand to ensure the safety of these hobbled heifers.

Tuesday, June 14th - Scavenger Hunt - 7:30pm EST
Rejoin Adris at the Fairgrounds for a scavenger hunt.

Thursday, June 16th - Storytelling Competition - 10pm EST
Gather at the Fairgrounds armed with your best story, poem, or short performance. The theme for this evening: a humorous situation.

Friday, June 17th - The Mysterious Maze - 7:30pm EST
Meet the EMs at the Fairgrounds and prepare to tackle a maze specially constructed by EM Adris. What makes it mysterious? Well, even I don't know what he has planned.

Saturday, June 18th - Regatta - 8pm EST
Details for this event to follow.

EM Adris

Stratics Veteran
Regatta tomorrow 8pm Eastern. You need to bring a small boat (old style) to enter.

Race Map:
