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Suggestions on Raising Mysticism


The Enchanter
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So I have been working on completing training for a Cu Sidhe, with one of the last tasks being working on Mysticism, but the gains are going awfully slow. I was just curious if anyone had any particular tips about what monsters to fight or other ways to raise this skill.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Also, any word on if there are real noticeable differences with raising to 120 versus 100?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I've been trying to raise it on my Fire Drake... it's seriously slow going I've hit 102.8 and stuck... so I got on my bard and discorded it and someone gave me the notion to try working it on the outside wall of the Temple on Fire Island where your pet is forced to use only magic.

Seems to be working but again.... extremely slow... my guess is because they can't cast RC... Therefore they aren't really using top skill but discording should be helping that... dropped his skill to 73.6 or so ... one would think that would help but doesn't seem to do a lot.


Slightly Crazed
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The downside of discoing them is it lowers med and focus as well, so pets regen mana slower and thus cast less. I've found getting them solo (or at least main target) on an ele as good as anything.