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[Discussion] suggestions from the sidelines


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
regarding the festival fiasco (may seem a bit strong a word, but from where I sit here on the sideline, it seems to fit)

a sticky (since I think I remember that these new boards do not support a calendar function) where folks can go and list their ideas/proposals in one place so that there is never any confusion about who wants to do what and when

I still don't know (after having asked the question last Friday) how permission to hold the next fest is awarded... there is a forum here for The Council Chamber, is that where this is done? if so, could the names of those on the council also be listed in that forum title?

just some ideas, feedback appreciated.... slamming is not ;)

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
I believe the members of the Council are past hosts of Rares Fests. When it comes around "that time" proposals are allowed to be given and upon that, the Council & the Community eventually favor the best proposal.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Totaly agree DevilsOwn. The http://vboards.stratics.com/council-chamber/ is a "Private forum for the Rares Council to discuss upcoming Rares Fests." I agree not just anybody should be able to post here but all Stratics users should be able to read this forum and it should be required by Stratics that if player run events are going to be discussed on Stratics that this forum be used for those discussions. These "Founders" should be listed and rules stated on how to apply for and run a "Rares Fest". These discussions should be open for all to see, there should be no hint of an elite group that can do what they want in UO when we are all paying the same money to play UO.

It is time for Stratics to step up and make sure that what has happened does not happen again esp. if Stratics is going to be used to advertise Rares Fests which by the way are player run events and Devs/EMs are often involved.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While I agree with several of these suggestions, keep in mind the issue with the Baja/Sakura festival was due to a miscommunication between festival staff/host. It was resolved between the hosts and Sakura was given the January festival.

The list of previous hosts/Council members is posted here http://vboards.stratics.com/archive...vious-rares-festivals-shards-dates-hosts.html

As for Council chambers, its mostly just for voting purposes (it has yet to be used). The Rares Council only functions in the event that a decision needs to be made, otherwise it is strictly ceremonial. If there are two or more festival bids then the Council takes action. The rest of the time it is just up to the normal community to vote and decide. So far there hasn't been any need as the bids have been coming in months apart.

Personally I don't like the idea of a "how to" on festival hosting. There are plenty of previous hosts to ask (as Blend and Warder have done) in the event that a question comes to mind. I don't want to go to cookie cutter fests, if someone wants to experiment than they should be allowed to do so.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.