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suggestion: delete every single spawn in the game and start afresh

Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
all of them. some kind of uopocalypse that removes every single monster, animal, and blue-named npc from the game. pets in stables aren't affected, so they'll instantly become a commodity; and so will all the different kinds of loot that are now temporarily unavailable because the monsters they spawned on are gone. this will completely rock the economy. leave the world entirely empty of spawns for a week and let the players sort out the resulting chaos. then slowly start reintroducing the fauna through a series of player quests to bring the life back to sosaria. that is my idea for the afternoon

Lieutenant Dan!

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well that wasn't very nice @Lord Nabin ! :rolleyes:
So uncharacteristic! Smoking something different in that pipe today?

As odd as the suggestion seems I'm not totally opposed to it. Or at least something on a smaller scale. A great plague that wipes out some of the animals that are later replaced by something new. The taming possibilities could be great!
Clearly not the entire game. A small sample or maybe an island. Illishnar might be a good stage for something like this.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We had something like that circa 2000.
Tamed animals that were stabled on the same server would not re-spawn in the wild.
This led to a certain amount of griefing ("I'm blocking the nightmare spawn and if you want to tame a nightmare you have to pay me a shipload of gold").
Eventually this led to forests becoming devoid of wildlife. "All the animals are in stables," said one of the developers (I don't remember if it was Sunsword or Runesabre).
This directly led to a limitation of the number of pets one character could have stabled (which was a pet-pocalypse -- imagine having to choose your three favorites among the dozen pets you'd had for years), and eventually led to animals that are tamed in the wild invoking a quick re-spawn.

@Lindae Lives I like your idea.


Meanwhile, completely hose the casual players that just want to log in for an hour or two after work to kill some stuff. Interesting idea if the game had the player base of 20 years ago. However, the game isn't populated by kids and twenty somethings anymore. The modern base is middle age or better, have grown up lives to live, and it a minute fraction of what it once was.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SO pretty much a NL event on the live shards dont think many would like that


Stratics Veteran
I always felt the overland spawns were tooo boring. They needed spicing up with some random spawn of say ... dragons and the group needs to be cleared before traffic can continue. Not an event, just a random thing that happens every so often.

Terathans and/or ophidians on the road between Yew and Brit - on top of Lindae's lich friends in that area. A family of Deamons on the fields outside Skara Brae.


Now that idea I love Spartan. Random spawns like that would really spice up trade runs and make for fun and interesting hunting.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I always felt the overland spawns were tooo boring. They needed spicing up with some random spawn of say ... dragons and the group needs to be cleared before traffic can continue. Not an event, just a random thing that happens every so often.

Terathans and/or ophidians on the road between Yew and Brit - on top of Lindae's lich friends in that area. A family of Deamons on the fields outside Skara Brae.
Lizardmen, Ratmen, and a Gazer used to invade Brit every now and then back in the days before Tram.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I’d like to see npc miners in the world. Can kill them for ore/ingots. Some of them are warriors or know magic as well. Some are aggressive and will try to kill you. Maybe some have a beetle with them. Could be interesting if an idea to expand on.


Stratics Veteran
Lizardmen, Ratmen, and a Gazer used to invade Brit every now and then back in the days before Tram.
Forgot about that. Also, liches would spawn every so often in the cemetaries and if you were "lucky" one that aggro'd you would follow you to town (Brit).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’d like to see npc miners in the world. Can kill them for ore/ingots. Some of them are warriors or know magic as well. Some are aggressive and will try to kill you. Maybe some have a beetle with them. Could be interesting if an idea to expand on.
My old fencer use to kill PKs when they attacked him. was GM in mining then had the fighting skills just not healing
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Now that idea I love Spartan. Random spawns like that would really spice up trade runs and make for fun and interesting hunting.
I do think that if you are running the trade orders like with Krampus that bandits will pop out from time to time.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
NO thank you. With the track record of getting things done and the priority set to do them in now in question with then Bonnie threat we may not see the spawn return for a long time and the excuse will be the new shard, oh we are sorry we were bust with NL and forgot and will give Bonnie just another way to prove who is really in charge.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Anyone else remember back when monsters would follow you through your moongate ? We didn't need EMs then, we could create our own instant town events :cool:
Yep, and you could gate to and from fel dungeons. I remember quite a few cemetery battles at server down where multiple people would gate it dragons/demons/white wyrms/lich lords to join in the chaos. Those were some fun times


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They don't even have the time to spellcheck global event text or make sure the NPCs are named correctly, yet you want them to delete all spawns and then make new ones? Where are the two people who would have to do that find the time with NL looming like a digital Sword of Damocles?

I'd rather see random encounters reintroduced similar to Trade Order Ambushes. Evil mage towers, roaming undead, festering mongbat nests, highwaymen, flights of dragons, etc.

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
all of them. some kind of uopocalypse that removes every single monster, animal, and blue-named npc from the game. pets in stables aren't affected, so they'll instantly become a commodity; and so will all the different kinds of loot that are now temporarily unavailable because the monsters they spawned on are gone. this will completely rock the economy. leave the world entirely empty of spawns for a week and let the players sort out the resulting chaos. then slowly start reintroducing the fauna through a series of player quests to bring the life back to sosaria. that is my idea for the afternoon

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I'd rather see random encounters reintroduced similar to Trade Order Ambushes. Evil mage towers, roaming undead, festering mongbat nests, highwaymen, flights of dragons, etc.
More quests, similar to the system they've advertised for the new shard, would be good too, especially in conjunction with this.
I'll let that sink in: We know they're working on a system to provide more content it's just dedicated to a shard that doesn't exist.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yeah.. ummm, we kinda already have that at the Zoo and some shards can't keep up.

For a second I thought he was talking about Champ spawns. Those things need to be turned back up, the spawn rate is soooo damn slow..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone else remember back when monsters would follow you through your moongate ? We didn't need EMs then, we could create our own instant town events :cool:
Was just about to mention that when i saw Spartan mentioned the Liches at cemeteries. A friend of mine (Rob the Ninja) used to herd Liches in Deceit and gate them to West Brit Bank. Show up to WBB and find dead people and tamers with a line of dead horses all over. East Brit Bank was usually safe from those shenanigans. Fun times.

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Was just about to mention that when i saw Spartan mentioned the Liches at cemeteries. A friend of mine (Rob the Ninja) used to herd Liches in Deceit and gate them to West Brit Bank. Show up to WBB and find dead people and tamers with a line of dead horses all over. East Brit Bank was usually safe from those shenanigans. Fun times.
Like many things about the old days, fun for those doing it, not those at the receiving end. Hence why the rules changed.


Stratics Veteran
Like many things about the old days, fun for those doing it, not those at the receiving end. Hence why the rules changed.
How many folks were terrorized so badly they forgot that yelling GUARDS! would eliinate that stray lich? I know I was one the first time it happened to me.
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Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
I mean, Mongats are the bane for every mage as they wander through the forest collecting reagents.

*Looks over his shoulder out the window to see what's waiting?*

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
The spawners need an overhaul.
Item and gear level has moved so far from what they were in 98-99.

Walking outside Britain was almost always a death sentance. Gazers were the bane of my existance.
These days most of Britannia is just a walk in the park. When was the last time you were worried about going anywhere?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The spawners need an overhaul.
Item and gear level has moved so far from what they were in 98-99.

Walking outside Britain was almost always a death sentance. Gazers were the bane of my existance.
These days most of Britannia is just a walk in the park. When was the last time you were worried about going anywhere?
Just start a new character and you will find mongbat loot worthwhile to keep and gazers as deadly as 10 years ago. Nobody needs Kyronix to buff mongbats to have this teleport player ability and then 1-hit kill you with a firebreath. Because we all know how good they are at doing "simple" overhauls *cough*

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
my favorite event was the grim reaper event. they would spawn in the commentary, if one got on you, if would follow u anywhere until you or it was dead. i would bring to luna were 30 to 50 people waited lol.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Just start a new character and you will find mongbat loot worthwhile to keep and gazers as deadly as 10 years ago. Nobody needs Kyronix to buff mongbats to have this teleport player ability and then 1-hit kill you with a firebreath. Because we all know how good they are at doing "simple" overhauls *cough*
For the 5 minutes until you find minor/lesser/greater magic gear.
The gear progression in this game is just way faster now than in the past. Monster difficulty progression and rewards in overworld should be progressing faster too once you step outside of the big towns.

One method of keeping old spawn types, is instead to implement rifts or monster difficulty upgrades (for example, if monsters in an area isk illed very quickly - their difficulty level should increase fast with respawns until the player who was killing these monsters have departed). Think of it like a champ system but on steroids.

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Periodically I will make a new character, usually on my home shard so I really know the territory in more than the physical sense (giving myself every advantage) and wander around gaining skills and finding equipment, to see how viable it is to approach this game like a slow motion single-player game. Accumulating looted gear while progressing through the skills.

It's never, ever, as easy as folks who want to claim this game is "too easy" claim it is. The "gear progression" is slow as Hell. I guess given a lot of time and effort it might work but is that a bad thing? That a new player might be able to slip in and, eventually, become viable? I suggest no. Indeed I suggest that's the opposite of a bad thing. Why would it be? Because decades ago starting this game was even harder? So what? The times were different, the game was different.

There doubtlessly should be more going on overland in the main map, especially deep into the wilderness and in isolated places. But then again there also should be more quests and other things of that nature -- you know kind of like they're doing for the shard that doesn't exist yet.
Periodically I will make a new character, usually on my home shard so I really know the territory in more than the physical sense (giving myself every advantage) and wander around gaining skills and finding equipment, to see how viable it is to approach this game like a slow motion single-player game. Accumulating looted gear while progressing through the skills.

It's never, ever, as easy as folks who want to claim this game is "too easy" claim it is. The "gear progression" is slow as Hell. I guess given a lot of time and effort it might work but is that a bad thing? That a new player might be able to slip in and, eventually, become viable? I suggest no. Indeed I suggest that's the opposite of a bad thing. Why would it be? Because decades ago starting this game was even harder? So what? The times were different, the game was different.

There doubtlessly should be more going on overland in the main map, especially deep into the wilderness and in isolated places. But then again there also should be more quests and other things of that nature -- you know kind of like they're doing for the shard that doesn't exist yet.
I agree. As a player who just returned gear progression is what I would call non existent. The randomness of the drops and no clear explanation in game of the mechanics behind their stats means you are left completely lost without consulting websites and such. In the end my item progression manly came from vendor purchases and creating a crafter to imbue basic gear that would allow my paladin to be viable completing even the most basic fights with any degree of speed. I would have found things more entertaining if I could have actually hunted for my own gear, but I lacked the knowledge and ability.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am still convinced yer head needs liberated from your body, Lich. *rests his hand on the hilt of his sword*
Not on my life! Picking up Lindae's bits from the ground and trying to piecemeal them back together is near impossible and I couldn't stand seeing Lindae's bits parading independently around Moonglow or Britain.

Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not on my life! Picking up Lindae's bits from the ground and trying to piecemeal them back together is near impossible and I couldn't stand seeing Lindae's bits parading independently around Moonglow or Britain.
I have trained my composite pieces to gather together if separated and do a macabre little dance.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not on my life! Picking up Lindae's bits from the ground and trying to piecemeal them back together is near impossible and I couldn't stand seeing Lindae's bits parading independently around Moonglow or Britain.
In deference to you m'Lady, I shall leave this vile Lich intact. For now . . .