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Suggestion about bolas


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a player should need 90 or so tactics to bola a player. It should take skill to throw one of them! also should have a chance to miss... those things arent spose to be easy to throw.... :rolleyes:


I would like to see them removed completely. As I think it should take skill to dismount, but don't think that everyone should be able to. (I know your proposing 90 tactics is 'taking skill' but I mean it in a dedicated template kind of way that shouldn't be open to any/every class.)

Fayled Dhreams

a player should need 90 or so tactics to bola a player. It should take skill to throw one of them! also should have a chance to miss... those things arent spose to be easy to throw.... :rolleyes:
WHICH template ??? (should be required to have 90 ....)
South American gauchos ?
(yeah yeah .... ya said tactics .... many templates WITHOUT tactics where you play ???)

is this a leak from the factions focus group?

those things arent spose to be easy to throw ...

says you ... its weights and string ... IF you can throw a rock or a stick ...
Bolas shouldn't be that hard to figure out ...
well ...
if ya can't ....well ... there ya are


WHICH template ??? (should be required to have 90 ....)
South American gauchos ?
(yeah yeah .... ya said tactics .... many templates WITHOUT tactics where you play ???)
This is two we agree on tonight. Mine was gonna be "Not everybody carries tactics around. Who should get it then? Don't say ninjas."

Edit: Oh but you replied to OP, now I am confused. Tactics is the only skill that "fits" being able to hurl them. What do they do, anyway? Trip the mount or knock the guy off directly?

Hunter Moon

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Just a thought... you could make it a free standing skill anyone can have and train up and it doesn't cost towards you skill cap, but you do have to work it like any other skill to do it. That way it costs time and a supply of bolas to work it and everyone has access to it.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


I don't know why people feel they need to compromise so much. Sometimes it's necessary. But if something is wrong with the game and needs removal, then let's remove it already instead of trying to compromise with changes that don't solve the problem. Remove bolas. Remove dismount.


To me it's like having the ability to throw a special just by using an item. Imagine if that special was AI or something. They should just be removed I think, nice idea at the time (of the savages for mounts) but that is long since done with.


Remove bolas? Lets remove tamers because it doesnt take skills to have your pet kill something. Lets remove armor because i cant get all 70s on my reg suit. Lets remove LRC suits all together. Lets remove arites because I dont have $50 million to buy my fancy suit.
Sometimes bolas are useful. Especially when the other guys are using speed hacks. That evens the playing field a little.
And if it takes skills to throw a bola you should have archery to wear quivers, tactics to carry a shield, tinkering to wear jewels. Should I go on?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
bolas are a powerful weapon! you should have to have skill to throw them. you have to aim at a moving horse's legs. that takes skill! a bola can totally change a battle. i think tactics is best skill for it, definitely not ninja. or make a throwing skill?
but best idea is to toss out bolas :thumbup:

(these tamers with super dragons throwing bolas isn't right!)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
bolas are a powerful weapon! you should have to have skill to throw them. you have to aim at a moving horse's legs. that takes skill! a bola can totally change a battle. i think tactics is best skill for it, definitely not ninja. or make a throwing skill?
but best idea is to toss out bolas :thumbup:

(these tamers with super dragons throwing bolas isn't right!)
Or how about we go and cry on the boards whenever the subject comes up because the mechanics of our specialty shard compounds the problem and we don't care the majority aren't affected nearly as much. That's what I'd do. Screw compromise and debate. :thumbup1:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
who is crying, i made a suggestion and why i felt that way, you sound like the one crying...


a player should need 90 or so tactics to bola a player. It should take skill to throw one of them! also should have a chance to miss... those things arent spose to be easy to throw.... :rolleyes:
Conversely, you could limit mount-riding ability to people with 90 Taming. :thumbdown:

You have to be careful how much realism you want in a game, lest it become too much like a chore.


I agree ........with 1 small change.

Remove bolas. Remove dismount from RANGED weapons.

If someone manages to get right next to me and dismount.......good for them.
Archers have been nerfed enough already, pitty you mages and dexers just hate getting dismounted, Live with it.
My stealth ninja should not be compromised further , because you hate getting dismounted. :D Or can i start reciprocating by voicing my views on mages and dexers. Fairs, fair dont you think!


I suggest to remove EVERY weapon and fighting skill, along with the tamers, so all the complaining comes to an end.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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i havent used bolas forever ...do they have uses? or unlimited use i dont remember...

but i think a hit and miss chance wouldnt be bad thing...maybe 50%-50% chance to miss?


Seasoned Veteran
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I play on Great Lakes, Ive used bolas plenty of times, and I believe something needs to be done about them. I think the best solution at this time would be giving them the possibility of being able to miss. I mean come on....100% of hitting? I also think your character should have a chance of catching it and putting it directly into his pack.
And if evasion can fend off weapons and magic, why not a bola? I think it only makes sense. But Bolas need some kind of nerf...I like the whole 50-50 chance. It's just ridiculous fighting a large group and they are all carrying bolas and hit you no matter what you do.


I don't really see how they are overpowered. You have to be on foot to use them so they are basically a tool to level the playing field in my opinion. Maybe a chance to parry them wouldn't be a bad idea, but removing them all together doesn't seem necessary.


Slightly Crazed
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I say make it only people with wrestling should be able to throw them... Screw Tactics.. What does tactics have to do with throwing a bola? How about having our hands free and using those amazing wrestling moves. Lol.


Lore Master
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New weapon skill "jousting" allows you to use various dismounting weapons

Lord Drakelord

I disagree, been using a bard mage for this event in Tram and Fel Cove and love carry the bolas, dismount the vangaurd so the tamers can go for the dread horse, while leaving the spawn to the rest of us to kill off. :bdh:


I'm tired of these threads. There's almost no point in even saying anything is wrong with bolas or dismount because you're just shot down by the overwhelming horde of illogical Ferengi you want their auto-kill options and don't give a rat's arse what's good for the game. Stop with your damn "well if you suggest removing this how about we just remove everything or make requirements for everything" pointless arguments. Stop with your "more players should always be able to beat less players" ****. Stop with your completely wrong "we need these options to fight cheaters" crap, which even if you were right it wouldn't matter since the game being ruined shouldn't be justified to deal with cheaters.

Bolas and dismount are tool of the gank squad. They add overwhelming power to people who already have overwhelming power because of numbers. They make it freaking impossible to be a solo player fighting the gank. You should be able to hit and run without ninjisu. You should have a chance at fighting the gank. Just because they have more numbers doesn't mean they should automatically win. And yet the people here think they deserve to win because they have no numbers. People here...trammies. In tram. In fel. On Siege Perilous. It makes no difference. The majority of the people who play this game are all the same...they want whatever makes the game auto-win, as little challenge as possible. How you can take pleasure in winning without any challenge is beyond me but whatever. You'd think people would argue to make soloers more viable since it's a legitimate but dying play style that adds a lot to the game. But they apparently want soloers to auto-die instead through auto-win tools such as dismount and bolas. Mass alliance versus mass alliance fighting...where the hell is the fun in that.

Oh, and aside from the majority of the people arguing for stupid worthless additions to the game like bolas and dismount who are doing so because they're gankers, there's also the tamers, who also want auto-win. You might not want to admit it, but tamers are the most ridiculously overpowered class in the history of UO. And they were overpowered before super dragons too. How the hell can you take any pleasure in killing someone with a tamer after you've dismounted him? Where is the fun in that? It's not even about fighting tamers. It's about escaping tamers. You can't fight tamers unless you have peace or the tamer is an idiot. You want to give your opponent zero chance of escaping though with bolas. You should go back to trammel and PvM the monsters who give you no challenge. Stay out of PvP. Tamers have no place in PvP. They add NOTHING to it. They only take away, just like bolas and dismount. And I've lost so much faith in the devs for saying pets are just fine and are not going to be nerfed, while adding even more pets. WTH.

Raider Red

Seasoned Veteran
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a player should need 90 or so tactics to bola a player. It should take skill to throw one of them! also should have a chance to miss... those things arent spose to be easy to throw.... :rolleyes:

I agree ,also it should take 100str to use too.I mean come someone with 50str or less should never be able to knock a 200+ pound person off their horse.Plus have HCI affect them and magery spells,I know magery gives you a chance to cast a spell but there also shoud be a hit chance factor for spells,just my worthlsess 2 cents here.

and to avoid those futurre flames YES I DO play a MAGE and I do pvp/pvm/spawn I alos have a legendary swordsman and an elder tamer,but I am still sick of how a mage can hit with every cast(provided he/she has enough magery to cast 100%) whilke a melee/archer hits 6 out of 100 swings (casts is the magery equivelent to the swing).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
first off i been an archer for over 5 yrs now, i know the heartache of being nerf every other month.
second, bolas are overpowered, its used mostly by tamer or as a gank method. you should need skill to throw them. something that can entirely change a battle needs to be a skill...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Archers have been nerfed enough already, pitty you mages and dexers just hate getting dismounted, Live with it.
My stealth ninja should not be compromised further , because you hate getting dismounted.
Please, you think I also don't have an archer?

Currently I pvp with the following characters;

Swords/Parry/4 FC Chiv Warrior

Dismount archers and bolas both need to be nerfed because they take no skill and as Mas said they are both used as an auto kill feature.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I disagree, been using a bard mage for this event in Tram and Fel Cove and love carry the bolas, dismount the vangaurd so the tamers can go for the dread horse
We're talking about PvP here..... No one cares if bolas are still available for use in Tram.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have to be on foot to use them so they are basically a tool to level the playing field in my opinion.
The addition of animal form removed any player skill that used to exist to play an assassin.

Before it was tough to be on foot as a stealth assassin, but since the ability was added to instantly turn into an animal and move at mounted speed. All of the previously needed skill is gone and now the stealth assassin (range or melee) is one of the most no skill classes in this game.

So as you can see it's not a level playing field. The person doing the dismounting is still able to move at mounted speed, while the person who is dismounted is now on foot and at a severe disadvantage.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a Tamer and Bola is noce but more than not the target runs away before gettting dismounted and out of range.

If I do catch somone they can run away from pets easy enough.

There is deffinatly a problem that I should not be able to throw one while invised. Just like calling a pet i should be revelaed when whinding up.

And to every single one of you who feel that you as a lone player should be able to survive a Gank you are NUTZ.

If you are outnumbered any more that 3 to one you should DIE P E R I O D.

There should be some skill involded with throwing a bola, not alot even 50 will unbalance most templates. The trick is which skill, ???

It sholdnt be a skill already used buy anyone; Tact, Anat, Etc - how about tinkering - anyone able to tinker around with mechanics should be able to throw a bola.

Well flame away.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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People need to learn how to evade bolas. Bolas have been in the game forever. Quit crying about it just because you die since you can't just run a marathon away from everyone.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Not everyone is willing to run illegal programs to help them do that...la

Who said anything about illegal programs? You can easily outrun a Bola or teleport away when you see one or even invis. Its not that frigin hard. Or just use a mount a drop off your mount before it hits you. Its called being tactical.