Odd you can put the piece (or pieces) back on & each one says insured! (esp with 4 mil in the bank..) Sounds like a bug when only certain pieces do this off & on with people. His were arms & chest pieces today. Another friend I'm going to say a yr ago or so, kept loosing all his arm pieces, 4 different times. Would watch him Insure them & he would promptly loose them upon next death. We then did a little test to try & figure wtf was going on. Gave him new arms, he insured them, had 4 or 5 mil in the bank in checks, with I'm guessing between 10 to 15 k in gold. 3 of us watched as I killed him since we were in the same guild & again, arms stayed on body, Insured! We did this again & again arms stayed. Uninsured the arms, re insured & one out of 4 times the arms stayed on his corpse this time. So we tried this little trick. Uninsured all his items, logged out, relogged back in insured all items, logged out. He relogged back into the game & killed him 5 more times. He never lost an item on all those deaths & has never had a problem since.
But this isn't a bug..... Ya right