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Stygian Abyss release date?



Summer is drawing swiftly to a close. Most of us would consider it to be over within the next two weeks - five weeks, max, if we want to be technical and go by the third week of September. Stygian Abyss is still in closed beta and I've heard nothing about an update on its release date. Does anyone know anything I'm not seeing on the main website? A press release or something I missed? I know I'm not the only one getting antsy!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Currently unknown.

Most of us would be willing to wait for more quality control.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'll know when it's close ae we'll have defeated the Shadowlords and event arc's.
I to would say not to rush them, let them get it right this time.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Someone had to say it. I prefer they don't rush it out. Work out all the bugs you can and put it out once it's fully ready to go. If that means we wait a couple more weeks or a couple of months so be it. But keep people informed!


Grand Poobah
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I prefer a product being released when they believe it's ready to hit the market rather than having them rush just to make a deadline that was nothing more than an estimate of when they believed it would have been done.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I prefer a product being released when they believe it's ready to hit the market rather than having them rush just to make a deadline that was nothing more than an estimate of when they believed it would have been done.
Unfortunately UO is now an EA game.... should have been a Blizzard game... they are good at making it work when its released :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately UO is now an EA game.... should have been a Blizzard game... they are good at making it work when its released :)
But most, well all, of blizzards games have been delayed many month, mainly a year a two... for release because they wanted to keep working on it...

Stupid Miner

They're not even in open beta yet. (well they are for the client, not the expansion)


how bout a sticky with this at the top of the page. start a pool. closest date to release wins.

my guess, christmas ... 2011

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
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Unfortunately UO is now an EA game.... should have been a Blizzard game... they are good at making it work when its released :)

You are kidding right? Have you played the last two expansions for WoW?

The last expansion, they had to release in two parts because most of the mechanics they were working on did not work right on the original release day, and the second release was delayed almost a month.

For any of you who like to compain about expansion releases, go read the WoW general discussion forums... Man I would hate to have to mod there!

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
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I hope and pray to the Sake Goddess that Stygian Abyss will be polished by the time it's released *knocks on wood*. It seems like September is going to be a lively month with the release of a few new MMORPG's like Champions Online as well as Aion: The Tower of Eternity which are shooting for September 1st for Champions and September 22nd for Aion. I'm wondering if Stygian Abyss will be in open beta or perhaps go live around that time as well...? Only time will tell. Or Chrissay can tell. Or Leurocian. Or Wilke. Or UOHerald. Maybe.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As long as the masses are kept busy, I don't think they mind waiting for a better more polished and tested product. The TOT3 event was nice as well as the current events. I think the EM events can keep people busy for a while as well, but if several months start going by and the events start getting few and far between then I think people will start getting concerned.

Amber Moon

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What they are saying.

Yeah people are bored but Hey UO Team take your time and get it right. We are after all hardcore, dedicated fans :thumbsup:
If only it were up to them. But depending on how you define how high up the company the 'team' runs, I suspect management wont see it quite that way. Time is money and when projects run over, the cost rises.

We can only hope that the phrase, past performance is not an indicator of future results, holds true in this case.

The content looks exciting and it will likely ship when the pressure to ship exceeds the 'game killer' bugs quotient.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I would not be surprised if they pushed it back to fall. The SA Client still needs a lot of work done.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If only it were up to them. But depending on how you define how high up the company the 'team' runs, I suspect management wont see it quite that way. Time is money and when projects run over, the cost rises.

We can only hope that the phrase, past performance is not an indicator of future results, holds true in this case.

The content looks exciting and it will likely ship when the pressure to ship exceeds the 'game killer' bugs quotient.
unfortunately :(

you would think that Draconi's flames would hold them at bay long enough, tho


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If only it were up to them. But depending on how you define how high up the company the 'team' runs, I suspect management wont see it quite that way. Time is money and when projects run over, the cost rises.

We can only hope that the phrase, past performance is not an indicator of future results, holds true in this case.

The content looks exciting and it will likely ship when the pressure to ship exceeds the 'game killer' bugs quotient.
I understand all of the above :)

I would point out that unless the current team is a temporary configuration, then the cost and the income for the foreseeable future is not going to change much.

Hence I will stay with, take your time and get it right. We will be here, paying our monthly subscription and ......


I just downloaded the open public beta client. I am very impressed. Its a huge improvement on KR. I haven't been playing UO in a while but this will motivate me. This client has hope... I was not expecting it to be this good.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would not be surprised if they pushed it back to fall. The SA Client still needs a lot of work done.
The Expansion is slated for summer of 09 and the Enhanced client is still in open beta.
Hum, summer ends what 9/21? I suppose this could be an acknowledgment that JC may be more right than wrong. As well as perhaps a suggestion that the Enhanced Client and the Expansion are being decoupled.


All i want is for them to say either, the new content is ready and will be released on time.


The content is not quite there and we will be delaying release to remove the final kinks and flaws.



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I agree with most of the comments that I hope it's not prematurely published. I also hold out hope that its ready in time for the end of summer (Sep-21?), in celebration of the twelfth anniversary (Sep-22?).

[ woops - posted ten minutes too late - D'OH! , sep-8 it is then]


Current subscribers can also take part in the Stygian Abyss Open Beta from Friday, August 14th – Sunday, August 23rd by logging on the Retribution server on the server selection screen.

Phineas le Monge

I won't be purchasing the new client when it comes out. My experience trying to play the SA client has not been impressive. It's murky, it lags like a Luna Invasion, and is more confusing than anything else. Yes, some of the new artwork is nice, but I prefer the 2D world and will stick with it until it's no longer supported. Then I guess I'll have to find a "legacy" shard somewhere. But hey, if you have had a great experience with the SA client and can't wait for it to come out-that's great too. Maybe I'm just old and need new glasses-everything on SA looked "smudged" over. I just love the game and will still be logged in when they pry my cold dead fingers off the mouse...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The clients are free and you don't need the SA Client to play the new expansion.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The SA Client will be free, you will only have to pay to play the expansion, and you can use 2d for that. When they first announced the SA expansion long, long time ago, we were told you could only access the new areas if you were using the new client, but since then they said it will be accessible with either client.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I won't be purchasing the new client when it comes out. My experience trying to play the SA client has not been impressive. It's murky, it lags like a Luna Invasion, and is more confusing than anything else. Yes, some of the new artwork is nice, but I prefer the 2D world and will stick with it until it's no longer supported. Then I guess I'll have to find a "legacy" shard somewhere. But hey, if you have had a great experience with the SA client and can't wait for it to come out-that's great too. Maybe I'm just old and need new glasses-everything on SA looked "smudged" over. I just love the game and will still be logged in when they pry my cold dead fingers off the mouse...
That's funny. I have a mid-range computer, and I lag like hell in 2D, while SA is perfectly smooth.


Most explosive UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When they first announced the SA expansion long, long time ago, we were told you could only access the new areas if you were using the new client, but since then they said it will be accessible with either client.
Yes, and this was madness, and I admit it! The current team has been working hard to revamp the world to be accessible in both clients. :)

The world is now completely 2D compliant, and the worst case scenario for worldbuilding are a few unseemly terrain transitions... and hopefully even fewer "Help/Stuck" worthy glitches.

Working on 'em!


yes... please wait till it's right before releasing... I've been dabbling in the Open beta testing software for a few days now, and I've reported a good 2 dozen bugs. Also, it might just be me, but the rendering is slow.. so imagine recalling into a highly dangerous situation.. you'd be dead before you had the screen drawn.

which reminds me.. does anyone know where there is a guide for making macros? I am having issues with a couple more complex ones.. like switching weapons, and bandaging self.

Uthar Pendragon

Seasoned Veteran
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try the sa beta forum here at stratics or I beleive spellweave.com has a detailed user guide set up


Yay! Thanks for the update on the release date! I'm so looking forward to the open beta this weekend. :)

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, and this was madness, and I admit it! The current team has been working hard to revamp the world to be accessible in both clients. :)
Was that the same madness that made you state you'd be closing the 2d client down when take up of the KR client reached 95% ? :dunce:

Phineas le Monge

Sweet! This aligns perfectly with our own devious scheme to give it to you for free
Ouch LOL - that's funny Draconi (or are you serious?)

If I will be able to access the Abyss in 2d, I will give it a second chance during the open beta...