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Stygian Abyss Client *Spoilers*

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Posting stuff found in the classic client should be okay because there was no NDA accepted.

Here is the new felucca areas, most likely the Stygian Abyss PVP areas:


These areas also appear in Trammel. I certainly hope this isn't the same situation we ran into with Mondain's Legacy where all peerless were available in both facets.

The SA animations are in the new Enhanced Client format, so it will be a lot of work to get those to show up with InsideUO.

Some items, too many to post them all:




Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Top one looks like just a wide open room, would make for some interesting fights.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
also, the Herald just posted a list of features

Chrissay Zeeman
14 Aug 2009 17:21:07 EST
Click on more to see the features available in the Stygian Abyss.

  • Ter Mur
  • Holy City
  • Tomb of Kings
  • Abyss
  • Underworld
  • Gargoyles
  • Imbuing
  • Throwing Weapons
  • Staining
  • Holy City Percolem Quests
  • New Gargoyle wearables
  • Additional crafting enhancements
  • Chicken Coop/Battle Chicken Breeding
  • Scroll Binders
  • Silver Sapling
  • Sutek
  • Chamber of Virtue
  • Lucky coins
  • New stealables
  • New Creatures
  • New champ spawns
  • New Boss encounters
  • Volcano
  • New housing tile sets
  • Snake Charming
  • New Music
  • Basketweaving
  • Snake Charming
  • Custom Carpets
  • NPC and Potion Pet Resurrection
  • New Craftable pet recipes
  • Chamber of Virtue

Still in Testing:

  • Trap Maze
  • Underworld Puzzle Room
  • New Artifacts
  • Cavern of Discarded


lol, i like how they just have "volcano" as one of the features in SA. pretty rad.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Actually you had to agree to the NDA twice if you were in the beta test, not just when you use the client.
The only thing accepted on install was the UO Rules of Conduct. I'm not in the closed beta test.


Actually you had to agree to the NDA twice if you were in the beta test, not just when you use the client.
I'm assuming this is stuff he found in the newly downloaded 2D client for use with the open beta. Unless the client required an NDA agreement to be accepted before downloading, then there was no agreement in place :p


Possible horrible change, depending on how it works. I didn't try it in the beta, but if tamers can use it to rez their pets without vet, just stupid.

If it's restricted to 1-slot mounts and MAYBE lesser hiryus (for samurais) then it'd be alright.
Agreed, it should only work on normal mounts or crafter / luggage pets.

For any pet you'll normally need taming and lore to command, you should use vet (including hiryus).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lesser hiryus you can use with bushido though. It's questionable though, whether you should be able to rez that one as a warrior. I dunno.


Agreed, it should only work on normal mounts or crafter / luggage pets.

For any pet you'll normally need taming and lore to command, you should use vet (including hiryus).
Oh man, closed-beta testers are getting serious deja vu right now.

All the battles that were fought are gonna be rehashed again.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh man, closed-beta testers are getting serious deja vu right now.

All the battles that were fought are gonna be rehashed again.
And I'm too lazy to search the closed beta forums to find out exactly what the potions will do, lol. <_<


And I'm too lazy to search the closed beta forums to find out exactly what the potions will do, lol. <_<
I'd love to post the details of pet ressing via NPCs and Potions but the NDA is still in effect.


Lesser hiryus you can use with bushido though. It's questionable though, whether you should be able to rez that one as a warrior. I dunno.
Well I think I never really liked much that a samurai could use a combat pet (even lesser) without taming...

But I suppose this will be one of the hot topics (never ending debate ?) of SA :D

Mark Trail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a big fee to rez a pet: 10K to 100K, still being adjusted. Imagine a tamer on a big hunt: without vet he has to get to town, spend more gold than gained in the hunt, then get back to the big battle. And a champ/peerless kills pets over and over again. Tamers will still need vet skill. I object if tamers could carry pet rez scrolls or potions.

Rez-for-fee was meant for the lost players dragging dead pets around late at night when there is no tamer logged in anywhere. For them it is desperately needed.

Ask a tamer how he survives if he has no vet skill and just heals with greater heal spell. He doesn't. I have seen a few tamers try going with no-vet but they quickly learn the error of their ways.


Oh man, closed-beta testers are getting serious deja vu right now.

All the battles that were fought are gonna be rehashed again.
I know how you can feel, I wasn't in this closed beta but was in the ML one...

I still remember when the debates were ported to uhall :wall:


There is a big fee to rez a pet: 10K to 100K, still being adjusted. Imagine a tamer on a big hunt: without vet he has to get to town, spend more gold than gained in the hunt, then get back to the big battle. And a champ/peerless kills pets over and over again. Tamers will still need vet skill. I would object if tamers could carry pet rez scrolls.

Rez-for-fee was meant for the lost players dragging dead pets around late at night when there is no tamer logged in anywhere. For them it is desperately needed.
As a last chance solution it should be ok. Of course only in the form of an NPC and not a convenient portable solution, be it pots or scrolls.


There is a big fee to rez a pet: 10K to 100K, still being adjusted. Imagine a tamer on a big hunt: without vet he has to get to town, spend more gold than gained in the hunt, then get back to the big battle. And a champ/peerless kills pets over and over again. Tamers will still need vet skill. I would object if tamers could carry pet rez scrolls.

Rez-for-fee was meant for the lost players dragging dead pets around late at night when there is no tamer logged in anywhere. For them it is desperately needed.
This is not correct. I am looking at the correct info right now on the Beta board and this is not it.

Those that have the proper information are still under NDA. If you want real answers, you need to wait til Chrissay hits the button.


Ok, since the NDA has been lifted, this is how the NPC pet resurrection design works:

- NPC vets will now res your dead pet for a fee
- NPC Vets have a slot-based resurrection menu, scale their costs according to taming requirement, and institute a 0.2 skill loss for resurrected pets (its 0.1 from other players)
- Costs scale with required taming of the pet, with a maximum cost of 30k gold.
- Very cheap for low level pets, less than 100gp for pets that require 50 taming or less.
- Taming requirement of 100 is over 12,000gp. It's 30k at 110.

There are other changes, that add bonuses to player vets -- Compassion virtue now will work on pets to a degree.
- 120 vet and lore gives you 20% of your pets HP at res.
- Up to an additional 20% of the pet's Max HP based on their Compassion level (stacks with the previous bonus)
o Seeker of Compassion: 5%
o Follower of Compassion: 10%
o Knight of Compassion: 20%
- Health bonus is capped at 200 HP

- There is now a 10 second timer before a dead pet can be resurrected (to help prevent accidental bandage use)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been openly against the pet rezzing thing since the start, for the record.

As for the expansion overall.. after having been in the previous betas, I can say for certain this one definitely feels a lot closer to being finished than ML or SE did during their open betas.. that's a good sign.. this one really FEELS like being a few weeks off (aside from stuff that's still in the air, like imbuing).

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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For those that have a special place in their Ultima heart for Ultima 6, check out the "village" area that is at the bottom of the Ter Mur map which houses the entrance to the Tomb of Kings.