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[Auction] Stuff for sale/auction on Chessy

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it's ok, I'm posting a few things here I have on Chessy since I work all weekend (12+hours each Fri, Sat and Sun). Plus I can't afford the vendor fees...

Sonoma Fine Wine (from Avery)- starts @ 15mil
--high bid of 21mil Black Majick

A Pure Black Horse (no taming skill required) - offer
--high bid of 20mil

5.0 Animal Taming SoT - starts @ 25mil

If anyone bids on an item via PM I'll post their name and bid to be fair. Bidding ends Sunday night/Monday morning at 12am CST. Any bids in last 10 min will extend that items auction time for another 10min.

ALSO if I may add, I have two items up for bid at the auction house ran by Demon Slayer!!!

The "A Dented Shovel" (1 of 5) current high bid of 95mil by Jindrak Arch. I own 2 of 5, so 1 other will never be for sale!

and "A Void Infused Gem" (1 of 10) current high bid of 65mil, with 1 other owned by me that will never be for sale!

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I told him that once we could figure out a good price on it (not gonna jip him) I would buy. Guess gonna have to play bid wars. 17m

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cannot believe you are making me stay up until 12 tonight to wait for this auction to end Nex....

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill bow out....You can have it at that. Ill find another one for cheaper....Dont need it quite that bad...