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Stuck raising Stats?

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am trying to raise my Strength stat, but it seems to be stuck.

My stats are:

Str 94
Dex 100
Int 21
Max stats: 245
I have Dex and Int locked, with Str set to increase.

I have Chivalry (Str primary) and Animal Lore (Str Secondary) set to increase.

I have a macro to Use bandie on pet, Use skill Animal Lore, Cast Spell Consecrete Weapon. I use this macro as my pet fights, probably at least 10 times per kill. I have repeated this macro at least 25 times now. That makes about 250+ chances to raise the Strength stat, but it doesn't raise.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I havent raised Str/Int/Dex in about 7 years so bare with me if this is wrong...

But cant you just beat a practice dummy for str gains?


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am trying to raise my Strength stat, but it seems to be stuck.

My stats are:

Str 94
Dex 100
Int 21
Max stats: 245
I have Dex and Int locked, with Str set to increase.

I have Chivalry (Str primary) and Animal Lore (Str Secondary) set to increase.

I have a macro to Use bandie on pet, Use skill Animal Lore, Cast Spell Consecrete Weapon. I use this macro as my pet fights, probably at least 10 times per kill. I have repeated this macro at least 25 times now. That makes about 250+ chances to raise the Strength stat, but it doesn't raise.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ok here is what you do go out and get a mace (or a sword ) and mark it to go up fight against a dummy till you get to about 15 or 20 then mark it down and mark swords up and fight dummy keep doing this till you get str where you want it also will provide a list so you can pick other skills that raise str


hope this helps


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also the skill swap technique only works if your at skill cap (apart from the 20 your using to swap skills)
If you have lots of skill points to use still then it does get very slow to raise skills and im not certain if its still in but there used to be a 10 point limit per day to raising stats

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok here is what you do go out and get a mace (or a sword ) and mark it to go up fight against a dummy till you get to about 15 or 20 then mark it down and mark swords up and fight dummy keep doing this till you get str where you want it also will provide a list so you can pick other skills that raise str


hope this helps
Thanks Storm, I will try that.

I was hoping to get it during normal game play. Shouldn't I have already received at least 1 Str gain in all that time?

Oh, nevermind! I just read something at your link...

- The chance that a stat will increase on any given skill gain is 1 in 20.
Stats are not gained just by performing the skill, but by actually gaining in the skill.

I see now how using a melee skill at 0.0 will maximize stat gains, because it raises skill so quickly.

Time to find a training dummy!


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes and if you are not at skill cap just raise a bunch of str things like lumberjack ,mining etc


Arms Lore works well too.

Go from 0-20 or so, then soul stone it; remove from stone.

rinse and repeat.

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, so since my last post I was able to successfully raise my stats to max:

Str 94 to 97
Dex 100 to 118
Int 21 to 30

30 skill points in no time! So I guess there is no 10 per day max rule anymore!

I soul stoned a GM skill and then had my crafter make a training dummy. I used Mace Fighting, Swordsmanship, Fencing, Focus to raise my Str and Dex.

Focus continued to raise my Int too. I then switched to Arms Lore, Item Id and Spirit Speak to finish my Int.

Knowing how the Stats increase makes so much of a difference.

Thanks Storm and Heartseeker.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
your welcome Thanks for posting it works for you alot of times people get the right answer and never post it and the only time you hear back is when it dont !