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[Fishing] Stratigy fishing with Nets?


Stratics Veteran
Now that my fishing is 80+ I want to throw a few nets. Id like some advice on how I should do this so I don't get smoked so bad.
My Mage/Myst is 100 with gems.
any advice would be appreciated

Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Go to bucs den and toss them at the end of the dock, it's deep water and gives you a place to run if need be. Also the healer is right there


UO Forum Moderator
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If you're a spellcaster, I recommend holding a water elemental slayer spellbook when you toss the net, immediately start casting an area effect spell (chain lightning, hailstorm, etc. Don't use meteor swarm, though, as the spawn has high fire resistance) and target the spawn the moment it pops. Usually, this will eliminate all the water elementals in the spawn (as they only rarely have T-maps, it's not a big worry, and you can always use a boat to get to them later), and make the remainder of the spawn easier to deal with.