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Stratics Featured in "The George Show" feat. TGN's CEO


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice! It's nice to see that both Stratics and TGN are moving to the future of gaming for all our gamers.

I can't help enjoying news about Tera. I have never got to play it but it does look fun.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
He did it in yesterday's edition, too. He's agreed to start doing it on a monthly basis. :)



Stratics Veteran
Never heard of TGN until now.. I like some 'talk shows' about games, but most are the same to me.


So is this why Stratics says "A Career Path in Gaming" because I don't get what that has to do with UO.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Several former Stratics staff have moved on to take up paid positions with games companies.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
So is this why Stratics says "A Career Path in Gaming" because I don't get what that has to do with UO.
You are well aware that we serve more titles that Ultima Online. Forum activity is a poor representation of visibility. Most titles have official forums. We are fortunate to be visited by UO and Portalarium staff, which helps to draw users to our community. Moreover, many of our portals suffered total neglect during their prime periods of growth, which allowed other unofficial communities to grow up around us. Some continue to suffer neglect. Regardless, while Ultima Online Stratics remains our largest and best-supported portal, the reality is that it only represents 16% of the page views we serve on a monthly basis.

Meanwhile, Stratics is a career path in gaming. We offer volunteers an opportunity to gain experience as copy writers, community managers, web developers, artists, and community moderators. Volunteers also have opportunities to advance soft skills--leadership, communication, conflict resolution, problem-solving, etc. This kind of experience is prescribed by many gaming industry job vacancy announcements, and many of our existing volunteers are qualified already for these roles. Moreover, we are also willing provide volunteers with job recommendations, resume assistance, interview prep, introductions, and similar functions. The hope is that, by offering these services, we can draw new staff members who are interested in pursuing industry careers.

UO Stratics is healthy; other portals need the help. It certainly isn't helpful to minimize their voluntary contribution to their respective communities simply because they do not host active forum communities at Stratics, so please refrain. We volunteer because we care about our network.
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You are well aware that we serve more titles that Ultima Online.
Yes, but hadn't noticed it on the other sites since I don't really visit those. Just thought it was an odd thing instead of saying something like "UO Stratics" or "Ultima Online Stratics".

You don't need to take it as a criticism, it was just something that nobody had explained, and I thank you for explaining it.