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Stratics Central Game Club


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let's talk about games!

Share what games you're playing and how you feel about them. Any games are up for discussion from the latest MMOs to addictive, little mobile games you paid a buck for. Tell your thoughts on it in a few words or several. It doesn't need to be a full on review, but those are welcome also! The point is to have discussion about games.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Campaign Benefactor
Combat Arms

After UO, Combat Arms became my go-to game. This has been the case since late 2010. It is a free-to-play (F2P) first-person-shooter (FPS) published by a Korean company called Nexon. The game features the largest arsenal of weapons in the genre. The maps are great. The mechanics are great. The graphics are passable.

The downsides are twofold: hackers and client stability. As with all F2P games, hackers run rampant in Combat Arms. The servers for new players, especially, are completely ruined. A couple of days ago, Nexon America and Nexon Korea initiated legal proceedings against a hack-producing website in Georgia. We'll see how this turns out. Hackers aside, we've been dealing with some real issues related to client instability and latency recently.

Battlefield 3

Best FPS that I've ever played. I'm so obsessed with this game. I found a copy for 50% off on Half.com: Textbooks
, Books
, Music
, Movies
, Games
, Video Games
. Worth every penny. The campaign, the co-op missions, and the multiplayer mode are all absolutely incredible. Play it.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

I purchased this recently. The campaign was fun, but I haven't tried the multiplayer mode yet. I've heard that CoD multiplayer is pretty screwed up and imbalanced.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Battlefield 3 is amazing Syrus! Modern Warfare 3 is fun too, but so fast paced at times that you can rack up the death count to very high levels in a short time :blushing:

I've been playing NIER, a console RPG with a great narrative. It's been awhile since I've played a game where I cared about the fate of the characters in the story as much as this.


Purple Pony Princess
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Four days ago, I was playing Mass Effect 3.
The bar for personal Game of the Year has been set incredibly high by Bioware.
My first playthrough was from scratch, and I was totally captivated. But something felt a little empty; for the last part of a trilogy, it felt very disconnected.
Then I dug out a Mass Effect 2 save and started from that, and suddenly the game felt like it ran on from the last game (minus the DLC I was too cheap to buy, and which basically explains the beginning of ME3). I was meeting former companions, and the dialogue was reflecting our previous adventures.
The ending (all three) really lacked closure, though. It was kind of like a hastily tacked on "... and they all lived happily ever after" (with explosions, and a very open definition of "happily ever after").

Now, with patch 1.2 around the corner (even if it's a corner like those of the Nardo Ring), I'm back to SW:TOR.
Taking a wee break from aiding the Empire in effectively ruling the galaxy to sashay through the Republic's quest to hug every tree in the galaxy.
(and hopefully unlock Miraluka on my legacy, if my character doesn't sulk herself to death over all the horrible things the Empire does).
*Not biased*


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am currently playing Guild Wars 1. Love the game and structered pvp. Great graphics and good story line. We have weekend events all the time from ArenaNet. Just a great game over all imo.

Guild Wars 2 will be my next move. Already purchased from ArenaNet and enjoyed the last weekend beta event. Was very impressed on most of the features I tried.