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Stratics Beta Key Contest Entrants.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have reason to suspect that emails may have gone astray (although the sender may have just got the address wrong - ie sent to uocontestATstraticsDOTcom when it should go to [email protected] with an 's'

If anyone has submitted an entry and not received a confirmation from me would you please contact me asap.

Thank you.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The contest is now closed for entries. If anyone has entered and not received confirmation that their entry has been received please contact me immediately. I know of at least one entry that never made it to the [email protected] address and had to be sent to [email protected] instead.
The entries are now being passed on for judging, if your entry has not been confirmed I need you to re-send within the next few hours.


i can back this up that theres something screwing going on! had to resend quite a few times before i could get it though to petra.


wow i never realized it took so long for an email to send. Checked my mail and it says i sent mine 4 hours later than i did.